Nov 24, 2020
Should Floating Piers be removed in winter?
Winter can be brutal in Wisconsin. It’s already knocking on the door. What should you do with your floating dock in winter? Will I lose my investment? Should I remove it or leave it in place? Will it get damaged if I leave it in the water? These are all excellent questions.
What should you do with your floating dock in winter?
It depends! It depends on several things. Are you on a pond or in an enclosed area with no ice movement? Then your dock has a chance to survive.
During the winter, there should not be any problem with dock damage. Most people don’t realize this, but there is NO ice under your floats. If you could reach through the ice and put your hand under the float, you would find open water.
The dock is floating on a bed of water throughout the winter. Yes, there is ice all around the sides and under the pier but not under the floats. If the ice does try to squeeze the sides, the floats will push up higher.
Can floating docks survive in winter?
Yes, if certain conditions exist.
Condition 1 and the essential requirement is: There can be NO ice movement in spring. If the ice moves in spring, there is no way to stop damage. You will most likely lose your investment – even on a small pond. Has the ice ever piled up on the shore?
There is one exception to this rule.
On a pond or in a tightly enclosed area where the ice does not pile up, you can leave it in the water. You must, however, remove anything that holds the pier in a firm location. We recommend that before the area freezes over, you move the dock into the center of the pond and loosely tie ropes to keep it there.

Floating Lift stored for winter
By tying the dock off the shore, the pier will move along with it in the winter and early spring. Moving the pier or raft to the center will save your dock from severe damage. 99% of the time, when the dock finally reaches the shore, the ice has melted away.
Condition 2. Waves should not exceed 1 foot. Remember, the dock in the pond’s center is loosely tied, and you don’t want the dock being torn loose.
Condition 3. Remove any “canopy-like” structures, so they do not allow the wind to move the dock.
Condition 4. Do not allow any of the floats to drag on the bottom at the shore. Allowing any floats to contact the shoreline or sit on rocks could destroy the float and dock.
Condition 5. Remove ladders or any other accessories from the water. Do not allow anything to hand down in the water during the winter.
Should I remove it or leave it in during the winter?
Follow these conditions, and in most cases, you will be OK.
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, it’s 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look on the right at the intersection of Idlewild Road and Hwy 57.
Pier & Waterfront Solutions remains “open.”
We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. At the same time, we are working to maintain the trusted service you expect.

Please use face masks
Because the virus has increased its spread, PWS is conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
Site visits continue as usual. When in-person contacts are necessary, we follow “social distancing” guidelines as closely as possible.
We provide estimates and quotes by email to make the process paperless, faster, and safer. We hope everyone will stay safe with these measures, and we will be back to normal operations soon.
Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays available for sale have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number when you call.
We provide estimates and quotes by email to make the process paperless, faster, and safer. We hope everyone will stay safe with these measures, and we will be back to normal operations soon.
What can YOU do?
Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. When you see our crews on-site, please practice “social distancing.”
Call, message, or email us with any questions.
Thank you for allowing us to work with you safely.
Let’s all stay safe!
Nov 17, 2020
Hydraulic Boat Lifts – Updated
Hydraulic boat lifts have shown improvements in getting rid of the complexity of a standard cable lift. Today’s hydraulic lifts do not require a pendant to cycle. Push the button on your wireless remote, and the unit will do the rest. (like a garage door opener).

Hydraulic Boat Lift
Simplicity – New technology allows Hydraulic boat lifts to get rid of all the cables and pulley problems. There are no cables to jam or break. You can not wind or unwind too far in either direction. There is NO possibility of whiplash in the cables because there aren’t any.
The Hydraulic boat lift has a straightforward design. It does not rely on cables, pulleys, or screws to raise or lower your boat like other products.
Quiet Operation – Today’s Hydraulic technology operates without the old “rattle and clank” that many boat lift brands produce during operation.
The simple “hum” of a hydraulic pump in operation is quiet and more pleasing than the mechanical rattle of a winch gear at work.
Update – Using the latest technology, ShoreMaster now offers the Whisper Winch 2. This latest winch does not have any clanking sounds, and the cables wind smoothly and evenly.
Faster Speeds – Prior to hydraulic technology, boat lift owners only had two ways to power their lift:
- By hand or
- By attaching a motor to the lift winch
While the latter may have improved operational convenience, it didn’t improve the boat lift’s simplicity. Rarely would it produce speeds faster than a hydraulic boat lift provides. Hydraulic boat lifts are fast while remaining quiet and incredibly simple.
Hydraulic Boat Lift features
Lifting Heights – ShoreMaster – 48″ – 60″ lifting height
Sunstream – 48″ – 72″ lifting height
Lifting Capacities – Up to 32,000#
A Partial step
Some brands have come out with a Hydraulic boat lift that still utilizes cables & pulleys as a partial measure. While they solved one problem (quiet operation), they still use cables and pulleys.
The ShoreMaster hydraulic boat lift is simple, quiet, fast, and uses NO cables or pulleys.
These three words sum up everything that a hydraulic boat lift should be
Simple, quiet, and fast.
For more information and what works best for your area, contact Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 – TODAY – or – fill out this simple quote request form.
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, it’s 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look on the right at the intersection of Idlewild Road and Hwy 57.
Pier & Waterfront Solutions remains “open.”
We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. At the same time, we are working to maintain the trusted service you expect.

Please use face masks
Because the virus has increased its spread, PWS is conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
Site visits continue as usual. When in-person contacts are necessary, we follow “social distancing” guidelines as closely as possible.
Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number when you call.
We provide estimates and quotes by email to make the process paperless, faster, and safer. We hope everyone will stay safe with these measures, and we will be back to normal operations soon.
What can YOU do?
Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. When you see our crews on-site, please practice “social distancing.”
Call, message, or email us with any questions.
Thank you for allowing us to work with you safely.
Let’s all stay safe!
Nov 10, 2020
How to Remove Mold/Mildew From Vinyl
Despite your best efforts, you may notice mold/mildew forming on your vinyl seats in Fall. For a boat to look its best, the seats require regular cleaning and maintenance.
With any boat, you have opportunities to enjoy the waters of Wisconsin. At the same time, those opportunities come with constant exposure to moisture and the continuous UV rays.

Seats are particularly susceptible to the risk of mildew and mold. With proper maintenance in Fall, your boat will be better prepared for Spring startup.
In Fall, if you notice dirt and mildew forming, it’s time to take action.
With the right tools and supplies, you can keep your seats free of mildew.
What do You Need?
Most boat seats are made with vinyl since this material can stand up to wet conditions of regular use on boats.
However, vinyl is susceptible to mildew with the constant exposure moisture. You need to find the right materials to get started. We recommend:
- Bleach-free mold and mildew stain remover
- A soft brush
- Microfiber cloths
- Marine and UV protectant spray
- Magic Eraser sponges
None of these supplies are expensive so that you can handle this cleaning job without much effort on your part.
Caution – Bleach and Vinyl don’t mix
Bleach is an excellent tool for cleaning up all sorts of messes. Mold/mildew are included in those messes. Nonetheless, keep bleach (and any cleaners that use it) away from your boat seats.
Bleach, when used on vinyl, takes out the oils in the material. Those oils are essential for the resistance to water and the life of those same materials.
Bleach can also impact the stitching that holds your seats together. It causes the seam to degrade and eventually come apart. Vinyl doesn’t last forever, but why make the end of life happen sooner. Save some money by cleaning it properly.

CLR for mold/mildew removal
Check any mold and mildew stain remover to ensure these products do not include bleach as one of the ingredients. For a safe pick, try CLR mold remover. Now that you have the right cleaner take the extra step of cleaning a small area not readily seen to make sure you didn’t miss anything in the ingredients list.
Removing Mold/Mildew Stains from Seats
Follows these steps to remove mildew from your boat seats effectively.
Spray the Mold cleaner on the Seats
Start by spraying your mold remover on the seats. Also, spray into the gaps and seams, so there is no hidden damage from mold or mildew. Mold likes to form in those areas.
Next, let the cleaner sit for some time. Practice patience like you are telling the kids all the time.
How long should you wait?
Wait at least 5- 10 minutes to allow the spray to penetrate the material.
Really stubborn stains?
Soak it longer or repeat the process. Read the directions for the best results. (There I go again – reading the directions just like my wife tells me to.) With time, the cleaner can penetrate further and do a better job of breaking down the mold and mildew.
Next, Start Scrubbing
Now, after you have read the directions and patiently waited for the removal to work, it’s time to scrub. Always use a soft brush so that you don’t scratch your seats and cause damage.
Do not use a lot of force to scrub the vinyl, or you’ll cause damage. Using the proper mold and mildew cleaner means you will not have to use too much elbow grease. You’ll still have clean seats.
The proper brush helps get the mold off your vinyl, but you can still expect to see some leftover debris.
Remember the nooks and crannies too.
Now, Wipe Away the Debris
With the problem areas scrubbed, you want to wipe off any mold debris still holding on. Using any type of cloth is fine, but a microfiber cloth is recommended. Microfibers are gentle and less likely to tear your vinyl.
Wipe in a circular motion – it’s the most effective way to do it. Reach down into those cracks and crevices too.
Be prepared to use several cloths. Why use a dirty cloth when you are attempting to clean something?
Repeat as Necessary
Massive mildew build-up may require additional applications to get the surfaces clean. Really stubborn stains may require a second application or more time to allow the cleaner to do its thing.
Have you tried multiple times to get rid of the mildew, and it’s still there, just reduced in size? It’s now time to bring out your last line of defense.
Use Magic Erasers on Stubborn Stains

Magic Eraser to remove mold/mildew
Magic erasers come with special cleaners inside that are ready to tackle messes that stick. A bonus, you don’t have to scrub hard – let the solutions do the work for you.
They are excellent for hard to reach or stubborn stains. Get the “eraser” wet and start wiping.
A couple of passes with the “eraser” and you will see the results. Be gentle and let the cleaners in the “eraser” do the job. Scrubbing too hard may damage your vinyl.
You could start with the magic erasers, but you don’t need all that power for most stains.
The last step – Use a Vinyl Protector
By applying a vinyl protector, you are doing preventative maintenance. Vinyl protectors protect your vinyl from UV rays and make your seats look great. Additionally, the protector prevents future mold and mildew from forming.
A word of warning- allow the vinyl to dry completely before applying the protectors.
Prevent future mold and mildew
- Use a vinyl protector ( after they are thoroughly clean)
- Wipe down your seats after use. Remove all sweat, moisture, and suntan lotions. Mold and mildew both require moisture to form, so wipe down those seats.*
- Don’t let moisture form during winter storage. Check-in on your boat occasionally to help you catch a mess before it becomes a problem.
- Purchase mildew-resistant seat material. While not 100% foolproof, mildew-resistant seat material can save you time and money in the long run. Why not reduce your chances of getting mold in the first place?
Keeping your seats clean will pay off when selling your boat, as mold and mildew can decrease your boat value.
*See this video for more information on mold and mildew.
For another option see this video using another product.
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You can visit Pier & Waterfront Solutions on Facebook also.
Don’t Forget – PWS is the expert when you have a waterfront problem!
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, we are about 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay, and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look for the intersection of Idlewild Road and Hwy 57.