Dock Bumpers Protect your Investment
Dock bumpers protect your boat and dock from damage. You have a major investment in your boat and dock system. Dock bumpers go a long way to protect that investment. The bumpers come in several styles. The selection of the correct one for you is basically determined by your location.
Rivers and Lakes
Docks installed less than 18″ above the water level will allow the use of horizontal side bumpers. These bumpers will work for you, unless you experience waves over 18″ or have large water depth fluctuations. Horizontal side bumpers are available in several configurations.
Horizontal Side Bumpers
A side bumper wraps over the top and/or upper part of the dock frame. and are made in 10′ lengths. The sections are cut to accommodate posts and accessories. The side bumper may be cut to conform to the size of the deck panels for ease of winter removal. The bumper protects the hull of the boat from hitting the top and side of the dock. Normally, it is not applied to the bottom of the dock frame..
Corner Bumpers
The corner bumpers are made from the same material as the side bumpers. It is factory formed into a right angle to protect the boat hull from two directions at the corner of a dock. Mounted at the end of the dock, they measure approximately 12” in each direction.
An alternative is a vinyl wheel which mounts at a corner. This wheel rolls horizontally around the corner to guide and protect the boat hull.
The wheel does take up about 6″-*8″ of deck space in the corner. It will not be effective if you have large waves. You may be under or over the wheel and need a bumper that allows the boat to go up and down.
Large Lakes and the Bay of Green Bay
Vertical Bumpers must be used on larger bodies of water like the Bay of Green Bay and Lake Winnebago. They experience water fluctuations larger than 12″ and wave action exceeding three feet. This is particularly important when the dock is set high to accommodate wave action. This type of bumper will help prevent you boat from going under the dock frame.
Docks set over 24” above the water have a unique problem. If the side of the boat moves under the frame of the dock it will cause severe damage to the boat. A horizontal side bumper can not prevent this type of damage.
3′ high vertical dock bumpers prevent the boat from moving under the dock frame when in the trough of a wave.
Pier & Waterfront Solutions (PWS) specializes in all ShoreMaster docks, lifts and accessories.
Located in the center of Door County at 7325 St Hwy 57, just south of Sturgeon Bay at the intersection of Idlewild Road. Our staff looks forward to serving all of your waterfront needs.
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