We promised an update on the dock installation season in an earlier post, and here it is. We won’t gloss it over, we have been unable to get all the docks in before Memorial Day.

Our crews have been working every possible day overtime. They are scheduled to work a full six days a week. However, six days a week is not a reality.

We have lost at least 2 to 3 days a week to heavy rains or high winds. We plan for at least ten days of rain or high winds during the install season. This year that has not been enough. As a result, even some of our office staff are called upon to install.


Lift installation

Lift & Dock installation

The major problem has been water levels we have not seen since the 1970s. Everywhere we go, we see water levels setting new records. Our equipment can handle high water up to four feet. However, this year, the high water is combined with frequent strong winds and access problems.

The usual access across lawns or in fields is frequently saturated. Our equipment is heavy, and the ground is so soft we cause extensive damage when a customer insists we drive across it. Most customers will say it’s okay to drive across the wet lawn because they don’t want any delays. Later they get distraught when they see the deep ruts in their property.

2019 is the second straight year of high water – an additional 10″ on top of the high water from last year. Heavy winter snows have combined with a very wet and cold Spring. As of this writing, the water levels are expected to rise even further until Fall.

As a result, many docks have already run out of pipe length.


As we reported in our May POST, the short legs require that we replace the legs with longer ones. Replacing these legs is a time consuming and expensive process. In many cases, it has cut our installs per day by 50%. Failure to add longer legs will almost certainly result in damage to your dock whenever there is a storm. 

Are we the only company experiencing these problems? NO – all of the install companies are experiencing the same issues.


After looking at the forecast, we make plans to install a group of docks at least a day ahead of time. When that morning rolls around, we have had to frequently change the work schedule, cancel it altogether, or move it to a different area.

We completely understand when our customers get upset that we can’t tell them when the install will occur. I think you will agree with me when I say they will get angry when we commit to an install on Wednesday and have to change the date at the last minute.

We may plan a stretch of installs along Bayshore Drive between Sturgeon Bay and Egg Harbor for a Tuesday. However, if the winds are battering that area, we have to change our plans at the last minute. We have no choice.

We urge you to follow this advice – DO NOT bring your boat in until the boat lift installation is completed. You may end up having to take it out again if we can’t get there as planned.

Do you have a friend that might be interested in this post?  Please forward it to them.

Pier & Waterfront Solutions 

PWS is located at 7325 St. Hwy 57. That’s 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and 3 miles South of Sturgeon Bay at the Idlewild Road intersection.  Or – you can call John @ 920-493-4405 for more information.