Feb 23, 2021
Ramps vs. Gangways
A frequently asked question is – what is the difference between ramps vs. gangways?


Standard dock ramps
When choosing between ramps vs. gangways, first, think about what your neighbors are using. Remember, your dock will most likely sit at the same height!
Would you, your family, or guests be comfortable going up that incline to use the dock?
Do they need a running start to get up to the dock? If they do, a ramp is not the way to go.
Ramps work great for a level or short distance up or down. They don’t need handrails due to their length, and the angle to the dock is not steep.
How high is your dock above the water?
On an inland lake, you usually are about 1 foot above the water at the most. Since the waves seldom get more than a foot high on a lake, you don’t have a steep climb to get to the dock. A simple ramp will do an excellent job for you.
One more thing to consider about a ramp
Please don’t allow yourself to be talked into using a ramps narrower than the dock itself. It’s an accident waiting to happen.
Someone walking to shore may get distracted and step off the dock expecting the ramp to be the same width. Foolish but true.
Ramps or gangways should always match the width of the dock. You don’t want someone stepping off the edge when they thought the dock was wider.
Consider your shoreline
What do you have to walk over to get to your dock? Is it a sandy beach or a rocky shore with stones the size of the palm of your hand? Are there large boulders that only the kids enjoy climbing?
Is rip-rap only is the first obstacle followed by the rocks?
Now, with the rip-rap, you may experience a difficult time getting over the rocks. In some cases, the water is right up to the rip-rap.
Once over the rip-rap, you may have to walk over some rough terrain to get to the dock or pier.
Gangways are a safe and straightforward solution to your problem.
Consider both the length and width you need. For example, the PWS 3-Season Pier offers various pier and ramp widths and lengths to fit your needs.
PWS offers ramps and gangways with the same decking as the rest of your dock. It all fits together seamlessly.
Do you have rip-rap?
Due to the high water, you may have installed rip-rap along the shoreline to protect property values.
Now, with the large rip rap, you may have a difficult time getting over the rocks.
You may also have to walk over some rough terrain to get to a dock or pier.
What’s the solution?
To start with, PWS can add stairs in the form of flat rocks or steel steps right in the rip-rap. From there, we have gangways in 20 ft. lengths to finish your walk over any obstructions.
Have an aluminum dock?
PWS has 16′, 20′, and 24′ lengths with handrails included. These significantly reduce the chance of a twisted ankle or a broken leg or arm.
No rip-rap?
The high water likely means your dock is higher than previous years to escape the waves’ power in a storm.
Now you need ramps or gangways to access the dock. A ramp, which is usually 8-10′ long, will give you a steep angle to climb under some circumstances.
The best way to access your dock when it is this high is via gangways. The longer gangways provide a gradual slope that young and old will appreciate.
A gentle transition from the shoreline to your dock is essential for a seamless, gentle climb. (As a side note, the long gangways mean you usually need fewer sections of the pier.)
PWS offers stairs, ramps, and gangways to access your dock.
One of the critical choices you’ll make is choosing between ramps and gangways.
What do you have to walk over to get to your dock?
What do you have to walk over to get to your dock – Sand, rocks, or boulders?
As you think about the length, make sure you keep in mind the ramp’s width. PWS has various options to suit your needs.
If you don’t have far to walk (less than eight feet from shore to dock), a ramp is an excellent choice. That is unless the pier is set high.
Ramps are standard on shorelines where the water level doesn’t fluctuate much. The ramp is usually short enough that they don’t require handrails. However, longer approaches provide a gentle slope to a higher dock.
Aluminum Ramps come in 4′ x 4′, 4′ x 8′, and 6′ x 8′ sizes. The strength of aluminum does not normally allow for longer lengths without handrails.
PWS will advise you which type of dock access works best in your situation.
If the distance from your dock to the shore is:
1. Long and you have to walk over large rocks or boulders:
2. The dock is set high: or
3. You get a lot of debris floating along your shoreline – Consider gangways rather than ramps.
Unlike ramps, gangways provide a gentle slope to walk up because of the distance they cover.
A 20′ gangway could reduce the cost of your dock system too.
Aluminum Gangways
Aluminum residential gangways are 4′ wide and come in lengths of 16′, 20′, and 24′.
An alternative for galvanized docks would be a steel gangway, which comes in 20′ lengths. As you can imagine, this longer length is much more comfortable with less incline.
Let’s summarize these ideas.
Let PWS find the Perfect Dock System for you.
Determining what a good fit would be is an integral part of making your dock system perfect.
PWS offers high-quality and affordable options for gangways, ramps, and accessories. We provide the expertise and expert knowledge you need to determine which option will work best for your situation.
PWS can help you plan the perfect boat docking system for your area.
Get started HERE!
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Pier & Waterfront Solutions, 7325 St. Hwy 57, is located 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay. It’s 1 mile PAST the intersection with County road MM (heading north). Look on the right at the intersection of Idlewild Road and Hwy 57.
Pier & Waterfront Solutions remains “open” year-round.

Please use face masks
The virus continues to spread. PWS is conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
Site visits continue as usual. When making in-person contacts, we follow “social distancing” guidelines whenever possible.
Our display yard is OPEN 24-7
The PWS display area is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays available for sale have a numbered, red tag on them. Want more information on something you saw in our yard? Please reference that number when you inquire.

Red Tag
PWS will provide estimates by email to make the process faster, safer, and paperless.
Call, message, or email us with any questions.
Thank you for allowing us to work with you.
Feb 16, 2021
Low ice covers effect on erosion
A lack of ice cover this year could lead to increased shoreline erosion, according to experts.
An analysis of Great Lakes ice coverage shows a decline of about 5% since the 1970s. In the last 20 years, 14 of those years had ice coverage levels below the 53% average.
Door County’s ice coverage
Lake Michigan has ice coverage of around 7 – 12% – a far cry from the 100% coverage we have experienced in our lifetime. These are new records for the Great Lakes.
The Great Lakes coverage is currently at a record low for January. Coverage is well below the seasonal average. The situation has prompted concerns about the environmental impact caused by the lack of ice.
What’s causing low ice coverage this year?
The low ice coverage results from local weather patterns. These patterns impact ice formation on the lakes. The warm air temperatures we all enjoyed earlier this winter have had an impact on ice formation. It has made for thin ice and a general lack of ice formation.
How low is the ice coverage?
Long term ice coverage has been around 50-55%, but this year it has hovered about 30 %. Even the Bay of Green Bay, at its narrowest locations, has not frozen entirely over. In the few areas where ice extends across the Bay, its total thickness is lacking.
Low ice affects the Great Lakes in many ways.
Remember, even when the ice is 100% frozen, it continues to “crack,” as anyone who has ventured out on the ice can tell you. If the ice completely covers the water, the chances of ice movements are minimal.
But, when the ice breakers open the shipping lanes south of Sturgeon Bay, it allows for ice movement.

Ice Damage
With strong winds, ice shoves develop and create havoc along the downwind shorelines. Once the ice begins to move, there is nothing that man can do to stop it.
A recent incident in the Sturgeon Bay area demonstrates what happens with strong winds. https://www.wbay.com/2021/02/04/large-crack-in-ice-strands-people-in-door-county/
The dangers of low ice – Shoreline erosion
Shoreline erosion is a real challenge without the protection of ice coverage. Ice prevents wave action from eroding the shoreline during the winter.
Winter winds cause wave action. Without the ice cover, wave action continues to wear away the shoreline.
Along the Lake Erie coast, shorelines have caved in due to the lack of ice cover protection. The waves keep slamming the shoreline. Ice calms lake water in the winter.
Another effect
Prevailing winds pick up more precipitation without ice on the lakes. It is then dumped on communities downwind.
Expect more occurrences of large snowfalls when lakes remain ice-free.
More Contaminates
Without ice cover, more suspension of run-off nutrients occurs. The lack of ice coverage results in the reintroduction of contaminants into the water. The long term effect is more algae blooms.
Low ice cover affects fish too.
Whitefish spawn in the winter months and need still waters, so their eggs are not disturbed.
What are the projections for the Door County Peninsula?
Projections for 2021 are for coverage of around 30 percent, sometime in February or early March. The long-term average is 53 percent.
Who benefits from low ice?
Lake freight is one of the few things that benefit from the low ice. It reduces the need for ice breakers to keep the shipping lanes open.
Good news
It’s not all bad news! The Great Lakes are resilient waters, and they do recover. Various pressure, including contaminants, invasive species, and algae blooms, assault the Lakes every year.
It may not be the same as it was, but there’s a lot of resiliency in the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes continue to bounce back and are still intact. They are an essential ecosystem.
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
PWS, 7325 St. Hwy 57, is 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay and 1 mile PAST County road MM’s intersection (heading north). Look on the right at the intersection of Idlewild Road and Hwy 57.
Pier & Waterfront Solutions remains “open” year-round.
The virus continues to spread. PWS is conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
Site visits continue as usual. When making in-person contacts, we follow “social distancing” guidelines whenever possible.
Our display yard is OPEN 24-7

Red Tag
PWS‘s display area is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays available for sale have a numbered, red tag on them. Want more information on something you saw in our yard? Please reference that number when you inquire.
PWS provides estimates and quotes by email to make the process faster, safer, and paperless.
Call, message, or email us with any questions.
Thank you for allowing us to work with you safely.
Let’s all stay safe!
Feb 9, 2021
Gray Dock Decking – Absolutely Stunning Docks
Decorators across the country have embraced gray as the hottest color for your home. Throw pillows, wall colors, furniture, and more now use gray as the primary color.
Thanks to ShoreMaster & Pier & Waterfront Solutions, you can have this stunning color on your dock too!

Gray Decking
In the 2020 season, PWS introduced gray options as a custom color for our decking.
Today, gray is no longer a custom color for us. PWS stocks gray Glacier flow-through decking along with the ever popular – tan decking.
PWS also offers gray dock furniture options and benches.
Isn’t Gray decking a sad color?
On the surface, gray may seem like a somber color. Homeowners (and dock owners) love gray as it plays so well with the surrounding colors.
Gray offers a neutral color palette that highlights other colors very well. It is especially true of all the colors present at the lake. Think of the canopy, the landscaping, blue skies, and the water.
Gray also goes GREAT with blues – especially ShoreMaster & PWS blue.
One of PWS‘s most significant advantages in the dock market has always been the number of color options we provide. This new color choice presents yet another opportunity for dock owners.
If you haven’t had a chance yet to check the new gray options, check out the color offered at PWS. Please stop in to ask about our new gray options.
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Pier & Waterfront Solutions, 7325 St. Hwy 57, is located 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay. It’s 1 mile PAST the intersection with County road MM (heading north). Look on the right at the intersection of Idlewild Road and Hwy 57.
Pier & Waterfront Solutions remains “open” year-round.

Please use face masks.
The virus continues to spread. PWS is conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
Site visits continue as usual. When making in-person contacts, we follow “social distancing” guidelines whenever possible.
Our display yard is OPEN 24-7
PWS‘s display area is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays available for sale have a numbered, red tag on them. Want more information on something you saw in our yard? Please reference that number when you inquire.

Red Tag
PWS will provide estimates by email to make the process faster, safer, and paperless.
Call, message, or email us with any questions.
Thank you for allowing us to work with you.
Jan 26, 2021
How to Get Rid of Algae on Your Dock
An Algae free dock or pier is vital for a beautiful waterfront, not to mention safer for you and your family. Piers are a great place to entertain your guests. Did you ever notice your guests soon find their way down to the pier? Your guests can’t resist the water.

Typical Plank decking
Algae buildup on your boat lift, decking, and accessories is unattractive and slippery.
One of the biggest appeals of a dock or pier for many boaters is getting away from day-to-day life. We all want to enjoy and connect with nature.
That could be as simple as taking in the scenery, fishing, or watching wildlife.
It’s also the reason everyone must do what we can to keep the waterways healthy. That way, we can all enjoy nature’s beauty for years to come.
It’s essential to clean algae when you see it. It’s even more critical to prevent it from growing in the first place.
First, it’s essential to understand how mold and mildew form in the first place. To do that, we recommend that you follow this link:
Dealing with algae, mold, or mildew doesn’t mean investing in expensive solutions.
Removing moisture and the “food sources” mentioned in the article, go a long way to cut mold and mildew.
With these three tips, you can do it yourself.
Invest in the Right Dock
No dock will be immune to algae growth. Anything exposed to water will be affected by algae. But, aluminum boat lifts and docks can help cut algae growth. Aluminum is better at resisting algae growth than other materials like wood. Additionally, aluminum is easy to clean.
Choose Safe Products
When cleaning your dock and boat lift, use a non-corrosive cleaning solution. Cleaning can be as simple as using baking soda or a few drops of water-based dishwashing liquid. You already have these in your home.
The EPA’s Sager Choice Standard can help determine which products are best to use. Unfortunately, only a government bureaucrat can understand the standard without rolling their eyes. The government does not endorse products by name, so you have to make the judgment yourself.
Pick something:
Having a neutral PH: and
Rub the surface of your dock and lift down
with a soft cleaning pad or brush.
When done, rinse with clear water or blast the dock surface with a pressure washer.
Some cleaning products have environmental and health risks. Thus, it’s essential to watch what you put in the water. Ordinary household cleaners will increase nutrient pollution in lakes and streams. The result is algae blooms and oxygen depletion, which hurt the water and wildlife. In general, you should avoid any cleaning products that contain these hazardous ingredients:
- Antibacterials and disinfectants
- Butyl glycol, ethylene glycol, or monobutyl
- Phosphorous and phosphates
Major pollutant
Proper Fueling
Carefully refueling a boat keeps oil and gas out of the waterways. It’s illegal to discharge petroleum products into United States waters.
It’s against the law to use chemicals to disperse a spill. Dispersants cause the petroleum to sink to the bottom. It then permanently damages the bottom sediments.
Sewage Treatment
We know no one wants to think about sewage, but it’s an essential part of human and waterway health and safety.
It’s also illegal to discharge untreated wastewater on inland waters.
Use onshore facilities whenever you can. Dispose of human waste in:
1. Porta-potties:
2. Composting heads, or
3. An installed toilet with a required
marine sanitation device.
Waste Management
For all other waste, recycle what you can and properly dispose of what you can’t.
Recycling materials like plastics, paper, metal, and glass keep them out of landfills and off our beaches.
We now know that plastics in the water are a significant pollutant. Plastics are already affecting the waters of the Great Lakes.
Dispose of all waste materials properly. Make sure nothing goes overboard, including cigarette butts. Provide waste and recycling containers on your boat and piers.
Keep everything tied down when you’re moving on the water or the highway. Participating in a cleanup event accessible only by a boat can also be a rewarding day to protect the water.
Walking your shoreline and picking up these materials can help the environment.
Boat Maintenance and Cleaning
Prepare a comprehensive boat maintenance checklist. Changing engine oil and checking your fluid levels keep your boat running smoothly. This, in turn, makes it less likely to pollute.
Check for leaks from steering cables, drips from your oil changes, or fuel from leaky fittings. All these contaminants can find their way into the bilge.
Change engine oil and other fluids carefully. Dispose of used filters, oil, absorbent pads, and rags properly.
Keep your boat clean, and avoid soaps and harsh cleaners. Save heavy-duty pressure washing for designated wash-down areas at boat launches.
Yes, keeping the environment clean involves some work.
Your property is expensive because it’s on the water. Why let waste products deteriorate the value of your property. A little work goes a long way toward keeping the water beautiful for future generations.
ShoreMaster and PWS have been here for years, and we plan on being here for many more. We want you to enjoy everything nature has to offer. Let’s all work towards the same goal – a clean environment.
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
PWS, 7325 St. Hwy 57, is 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay and 1 mile PAST, County road MM’s intersection (heading north). Look on the right at the intersection of Idlewild Road and Hwy 57.
Pier & Waterfront Solutions remains “open” year-round.

Please use face masks
The virus continues to spread. PWS is conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
Site visits continue as usual. When making in-person contacts, we follow “social distancing” guidelines whenever possible.
Our display yard is OPEN 24-7

Red Tag
PWS‘s display area is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays available for sale have a numbered, red tag on them. Want more information on something you saw in our yard? Please reference that number when you inquire.
PWS provides estimates and quotes by email to make the process faster, safer, and paperless.
Call, message, or email us with any questions.
Thank you for allowing us to work with you safely.
Let’s all stay safe!
Jan 14, 2021
Thanks again, Jerry, for the good work your crew does! Have a safe and healthy winter. Talk to you as we approach spring.
Best Regards,
Joan P.