It’s time to think – winter storage.
It seems like just yesterday when the days began getting longer and the temperatures were rising. Now the temperatures are rapidly falling and the days are getting shorter.
Labor Day has come and gone. Traditionally, it signals the end of summer. Many people are shutting down their summer retreats and preparing them for winter storage. They are packing up and heading home. We have people from all over the country – from Florida to California and many places in between.
The Door County peninsula is a favorite retreat for many people, including Bear fans. We’ll see many of you in a few days – Sept 5th (Packers vs. Bears)
In the meantime, we hope that you will remember to call John (920-493-4405) and let him know when you are ready for the removal of your equipment. (i.e., your boat is off your lift).
While you are busy closing up your retreat, our crews are once again removing docks and boat lifts for winter storage. The water cools off quickly, and they have to go into it daily. We want to avoid working in the morning ice this year.
What can you expect this year?
The farther we get into September, the bigger the storms become. When a storm is in the forecast, we can’t respond fast enough to get everyone out of the water. Once a storm hits your equipment, there is nothing we can do except to wait it out. If there is widespread damage along the Door County shoreline it takes time to get to everyone.
Our equipment can go into about 4 feet of water (the operators’ cab is flooding at that point). Our crews get more than wet feet when that happens.
The sooner you notify us that you are ready, the better the chances we have to get your equipment out of the water.
Due to the potential for big storms, we try to handle the Bay first and then the inland lakes.
What should change this Fall?
We recommend that you allow us to place your equipment further up on your property. Why?
Due to the substantial damage encountered in the Spring of 2019. We understand that it may look unsightly and it’s difficult to cut the lawn under it. Plus, there may appear to be dead spots under the footpads in Spring. However, nature recovers quickly. Isn’t that better than what you see here?
In some cases, the ice moved more than 50 feet up on to the shore and lawns. In one case right into the house.
These are just some of the winter conditions we can expect each year. With the high water this year we expect to see even more of this in the Spring of 2020.
Pier & Waterfront Solutions (PWS) specializes in all ShoreMaster docks, lifts, and accessories.
We are located in the center of Door County at 7325 St Hwy 57, just south of Sturgeon Bay at the intersection with Idlewild Road. Our staff looks forward to serving all of your waterfront needs.
Call Jerry at 920-493-4404 or Email for more information.