May 15, 2019
The water level WILL be higher – by a long shot!
We have many terrific customers. One customer has been following the Bay of Green Bay water conditions for years using government supplied data to ensure accuracy. We rely on Bill A. for his knowledge of current, as well as past, Bay water level history.
According to Bill A.:
Water levels are running very high in comparison to the Army Corp average numbers. The average for May is 580.75 ft. The readings he sees at the monitoring station near Green Bay has been peaking out at 582.47 ft which is 20.64 inches above the predicted average for May. An additional update from Bill A. shows that we are going to set a new record high if we continue to get rain this month.
The low-end numbers are around 581.05 ft which is 3.6 inches above the average for a typical May. Our current water level has been between 7.56 inches to 26.64 inches higher than May of last year (when we are at high tide).
What do all these water level numbers mean?

Storm Damage caused by floating logs
First, you can expect deeper water levels through-out the summer months.
Second, when there are storms, you will see the water reach higher onto your beach along with more turbulence.
Third, with the higher water levels, there is likely to be more floating debris (logs, rafts and floating boats).
What Do Higher Water Levels Mean for Installs?
With near record levels for water depth, it means all docks have to be raised again this year. This helps protect them from the storms.
That’s not a big deal in a normal year. The problem this year is that many docks already had short legs last year.
With water levels nearing historic levels, we have to take a great deal of time at almost every site to change the leg lengths. The extra time required to change the legs out means we are getting far less installs done per day than previously. Shortages in the labor market have compounded the problem. We can’t get enough people to make another crew despite better than average wages.
What can you do?
If your dock is not already installed, please give serious consideration to allowing us to lengthen the legs. In fact, we’ll go a step further and recommend that you contact John directly, (920-493-4405). Give us permission to shorten your dock length this year OR change the leg lengths on your dock, if needed.
Simply by not installing all the sections of the dock, you may avoid the need for longer legs. That’s not a guarantee if the water continues to rise but it may get you through this year.
What Else Can You do?
1. Keep your boat secure on your boat lift. It’s better to have your boat bouncing up and down on the boat lift than floating into your dock or your neighbors’ dock.
2. Keep your possessions higher on the beaches. The breaking waves may come further up on the beach and sweep them away.
3. Check your boat lift cables. Consider replacing any frayed or rusty cables. The added stress of high waves will break already weakened cable. See this post.
4. Keep your boat as high as possible on your lift. At the same time, be sure you don’t hit the top of the cable travel. Be especially careful with electric winches.I
5. If you see logs or large debris washed up on the shore near you, try to move it up to the higher ground to prevent it from floating out again.
6. Check your insurance coverage. SEE this related article.
Thank you Bill A. for providing the information for this post.
For more background about the water levels, see this article.
Do you have a friend that may be interested in this information? Please share a link to this page with them.
PWS is located at 7325 St. Hwy 57. That’s 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and 3 miles South of Sturgeon Bay at the Idlewild Road intersection. Our staff is here year-round to assist you.
Apr 16, 2019

Spider Web
When you bought your boat lift and canopy, you probably thought “This is all mine, and mine alone.” Little did you know that within a short time you will be sharing it with unwelcome visitors. Your visitors include hornets, spiders, wasps, and spider webs to name a few. They tend to be annoying and creepy in some cases. They also are persistent once they take up residence on your boat lift (the most common location).
Maybe the better question is – Do I want to get rid of them? Gulls and geese are disease carriers, and you have to be careful with them.
Spiders can produce a painful bite. Spiders have a ferocious appetite and they eat mosquitos and bay flies. No one will complain about that. They also are a source of food for birds. Nature has a way of balancing things (but not fast enough when it comes to bay flies and mosquitoes.) No one will complain about that. They also are a source of food for birds. Nature has a way of balancing things (but not fast enough when it comes to bay flies and mosquitoes.)

Peppermint oil to get rid of spiders
There are many articles on the internet, and universal themes involve the use of peppermint or cinnamon sprays. These would be non-lethal, non-poisonous methods of driving them away. Consider using it on your boat also (under the cover). These may make your boat smell better too. Always test on an inconspicuous area to prevent staining.
There are other ways like the use of Orto Home Defense which is useful. Be careful where you use it so that pets and children do not come in contact with it. It is beneficial on painted or aluminum siding and around windows too.
Remember, the DNR is very strict about spraying ANY chemicals over water. Try to trap the excess spray with a large piece of cardboard, so it does not fall into the water. Do not breathe in the fumes. Follow label directions.
Get rid of spider webs whenever possible. Make it difficult for them. If you see small black “dots” clean them with a detergent to prevent those eggs from hatching and multiplying your problem.

Homemade hornet trap
Hornets are not only annoying but like bees and wasps, they can produce severe reactions to your body if you are allergic to their sting. Besides, unlike the seagulls and geese mentioned in our previous article – The spider and hornets are pests, but they serve a useful purpose too. Hornets, bees, wasps help pollinate crops and flowers. Just stay away from them.
If you ever left an open soda or anything sweet outside you know that hornets love it. You can use this love to trap and dispose of them by mixing Mountain Dew and Dawn detergent in a dish. Keep it out of children and pets reach. There are commercial traps that work on the same principle.
If you choose to use the “Wasp and hornet killer” sprays, remember they are very effective if used correctly. Used in boat houses and under eaves you need to remember three things:
- Always use the sprays in the evening when they are not as active.
- The “cheap” sprays usually can’t make it to the advertised 20-foot mark. As a result, it just takes one hornet who did not come in contact with the spray to ruin your day. You may set a new world record for running. Be prepared.
- Try to spray downwind, if possible.
There are numerous powders available for ground wasps. Wasps are VERY aggressive so treat them with respect and have your running shoes on. They will swarm from their nests en masse to attack you. Again, we recommend a good pair of running shoes.
For more information read this article for wasp and hornets. If spiders are your problem, read this article.
Don’t forget – Give us a call If you have a dock or boatlift topic you would like to see addressed on our website. This year you will see issues like “Seagull deterrents – Updated, “Boat Lift Insurance,” and other issues important to our clients.
We are located in the center of the Door County Peninsula at 7325 St. Hwy 42/57. That’s 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and 3 miles South of Sturgeon Bay. Look for the Idlewild Road intersection.
Apr 9, 2019

Ice Damage
The install season for 2019 has begun on the Door County peninsula. We started doing some commercial installs a week ago in select areas.
The Coast Guard has opened the shipping channel to Green Bay, and this means the ice can move in and out with every shift on the wind.
At this early time, we can only do installs in areas where the ice is out, and there is little danger of it floating back in. The results can be disastrous.
Our crews will be expanding into more areas as weather permits. We’ve all been looking forward to this, and our crews and equipment are ready. While it is impossible to set a firm schedule more than a day out, we continue to make progress.

ATF 2 Install

ATF 1 during an install
We know Nature will probably throw a few curves at us. Last year it was an 18″ snowfall two weeks into the season.
We now have three ATF’s (the big machines we use), and the trucks and trailers are ready.
The water depth looks like it will be up again this year due to the heavy snowfall. Lake Michigan did not freeze over, so there was evaporation throughout the winter. At the same time, there were more late-season snowstorms. If the legs on your dock were barely above the dock last year, you will likely receive a call from our Service Manager about the need to replace them. Longer legs may be necessary to get you safely above the water for storms.

John Englebert
If you have a question or particular need, please contact John Englebert, our very experienced Service Manager and Scheduler. You can reach John at 920-495-2860 or email
John does an excellent job of accommodating requests as long as Nature co-operates. As the season progresses the schedules will get tighter but John always seems to find a way to make it work (if Nature co-operates).
Have a repair that needs attention? Call John to schedule it!
Looking for something new this year? Want to change your layout? Call Jerry (920-493-4404) or Dave (920-905-2588)

Jerry EnglebertOwner

Dave Kalista
Don’t forget – Give us a call If you have a dock or boatlift topic you would like to see addressed on our website. This year you will see topics like “Sea gull deterrents – Updated, ” How to place your boat onto your lift,” “Boat Lift Insurance”, and other issues important to our customers.
We are located in the center of the Door County Peninsula at 7325 St. Hwy 42/57. That’s 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and 3 miles South of Sturgeon Bay. Look for the Idlewild Road intersection.
Feb 12, 2019
What boat lifts are available for your use? Part 1 of this series discussed the least common types of boat lifts used in Wisconsin waters. Now let’s look at more common types of boat lifts available for your selection.
Hydraulic Boat Lifts

Hydraulic Lift by ShoreMaster
Hydraulic boat lifts generally lift the highest of the available lifts. (up to 6’ high on some models). The lifting height along with the wide stance of the base gives you excellent protection for your boat. It is recommended for high waves and water surges during storms.
Hydraulic boat lifts are D.C. operated units which are quiet and use solar-powered batteries and remote controls.

12,000# Davit Master Elevator Lift
Elevator Lifts are used with permanent pier installations (usually concrete piers or piling piers.) The elevator lifts raise the boat sideways as shown to the right and below. They lift the boat above the pier height. They are common in channels and lakes with large fluctuations in water depth and no ice movement in winter.
12,000# DavitMaster Elevator Lift
Davit Master Elevator Boat Lifts feature:
- All welded design for strength and durability;
- 6061-T6 Marine Grade Aluminum or Hot-dipped galvanized steel construction;
- Heavy duty adjustable PVC pipe guides with insert reinforcement;
- Adjustable chock system;
- Stainless steel motors for added protection;
- Stainless steel cables with aluminum grooved cable winders
- Aluminum sheaves plus Stainless steel bolts with grease fittings; and
- A Comprehensive warranty.
Some models even allow pivot construction for winter storage.

Floating Rhino Lifts
Rhino Lifts were originally built to withstand the brutal marine environment of Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri where very deep water is common. This type of lift is now the preferred choice for boat owners who want the ultimate in strength, durability, and boat lift performance.
Each lift – expertly welded, and hot-dip galvanized also has the highest level of convenience and safety for the people who use it.
The Rhino Lift Floating Boat Lift allows you to raise and lower your lift with the push of a button. You have the peace-of-mind gained from trusting the same equipment used by marinas, restaurants, and resorts across the United States and Canada.
The L-Arm Floating Boat Lift mounts between a U-shaped dock.

Rhino Lift L-Arm Floating Lift

Rhino Lift Front Mount Floating Lift
Front Mount Rhino Boat Lifts require a dock at the front of the lift only. It has a walking platform on three sides for loading and unloading. The lift is only secured at the front of the lift.
These floating lifts cannot be exposed to high waves. As a result, they generally go into marinas or deep water environments.
After reading Part 1 and 2 of this series, you have a better idea about the types of boat lifts generally used in Wisconsin. In Part 3 we will talk about the most popular boat lift used in Door County.
Publication Dates
Part 1 of 4 – Cantilever, PWC, ShorePorts, Tracks Feb 5, 2019
2 of 4 – Hydraulic, Elevator Lifts, Floating lifts Feb 12, 2019
3 of 4 – Vertical lifts Feb 19, 2019
4 of 4 – Calculations Feb 26. 2019
Do you have a friend that may be interested in this information? Why not share a link to this article with them?
PWS is located at 7325 State Hwy 57, that’s 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and 3 miles South of Sturgeon Bay at the Idlewild Road intersection. Our staff is here year-round to assist you.
Feb 8, 2019
A wife and (4) daughters thank you for taking care of our dock
Beverly R. Ellison Bay, Door County Wisconsin