Aug 27, 2019
Access to a dock is important to anyone wanting to use a boat. Boating is something both young and old enjoy. Many memories have been created on a boat or a dock. However, those moments are not as easy for some people to enjoy.
What about those who are not physically able to get to the dock or access the boat? It may be someone with an injury to a leg. It may be an older adult. People may have a fear of falling on the shore or getting into a boat.
For some people, access to a boat is an exhausting experience. Still, they want to enjoy the experience and want to be with their family.
What can you do to help them access your boat?
How about starting at the shore end with a longer dock ramp? Why? With the increasingly high waters the last few years you probably find that the standard ramp is now very steep. Your dock has to be installed higher to adjust to these high waters, But you probably have standard 8, 10 or 12-foot ramps. Up until now, these ramps have worked very well. Those ramps, combined with the increased dock heights, have resulted in a steeper angle to walk up. It may be almost impossible for the elderly to access your dock without assistance.
What if a 10′ ramp is still too steep?
Pier & Waterfront Solutions has the solution for you! After all, it’s part of our name!
What if your guests could safely walk over the rocks & the hot sand in comfort?
The first question is – Would you like a longer ramp to reduce the angle? Next, do you have an aluminum dock or a galvanized dock?
Residential gangways may be the answer for you. Residential gangways are available in 16, 20, and 24-foot lengths. The angle would be much lower and it will put your gangway much further up the shoreline to protect your dock in storms.
In most cases, we can even match your existing decking on the residential gangways.

Gangways provide easy access to a dock
What about Commercial aluminum gangways?
Need a longer length? Commercial gangways are available in lengths up to 60′ long. Included handrails give you for even more safety. Remember, commercial gangways come with aluminum decking only. Give PWS a call to get things rolling for Spring 2020.
What about galvanized docks?
PWS recently designed a 20′ galvanized dock ramp that will be available in the spring of 2020. The 20′ galvanized ramp will make your access to the dock much easier.
No more walking over the hot sand or worse yet, the uncertainties of stepping onto the rocks. Is this the year someone will twist their ankle? A twisted ankle (or broken leg or arm) can ruin the summer for months. Crutches get old very fast!
No matter how high your dock is, you will have a gentle walk to the dock height with a gangway. Forget about picking up the sand from the beach and depositing it on the dock. You’ll be walking over it.
What other solutions does PWS offer for your dock and boat lift?

Handrails for dock access safety
Dock Handrails
Dock handrails can be added to your existing dock. Put them on one or both sides of your dock for extra security for the elderly and children. They come in various lengths and mount on all of the Shoremaster Infinity dock systems.
Don’t have a ShoreMaster dock? We can custom make them fit the dimensions you need. We’re all about Solutions!
Boat Loading Handrails

Boat Loading Handrails
Boat loading handrails make it easy and safer to access your boat.from a dock. They give stability for the entire family. Have an elderly parent or friend who could use the extra support and confidence to access the boat? These handrails are a great way to provide a safe experience for them.
Where is PWS?
PWS is located in the center of Door County at 7325 St Hwy 57. That’s 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and about 5 miles south of Sturgeon Bay. Look for the intersection of Idlewild Road.
Call Jerry at 920-493-4404 or Email for more information.
Aug 6, 2019

Spring Storms
Dock sway is a result of deeper water and the need to raise your dock higher out of the water.
In 2016 we did an article about dock sway as a result of the high water that year. 2017 was worse, and 2018 continues this trend. The water depths have risen so much that each month brings new records. These records replace standards set years before many of us were born.
This year, in particular, we have experienced an unusual number of strong N.E. winds. These winds have resulted in the water depths you experience daily, to rise even further for a day or more.
These storm surges are the result of the bay being enclosed on three sides. There are limited rivers to dissipate the water at the south end when this happens. Those rivers are already at high levels and can’t dissipate more water.

Tall Ships
Recently the “Tall Ships” came to Green Bay, and some of the ships did not have enough room under the Tower Drive bridge near the mouth of the Fox river to pass under them. They had to wait until the winds changed to enter Green Bay for their exhibition.
For more information on the Tall Ships see
What can PWS do about Dock Sway?
To protect your dock as much as we can, we raise your dock higher to lessen the chance of storm damage. Many of you are aware of this because the dock legs were too short to allow us to raise your dock. Our Service Manager had to contact many people to enable us to take extra time to change the legs. Our installations, which were already slowed down by frequent rain and strong winds, got even slower.
Unfortunately, raising a dock moves the center of gravity higher, and it causes the dock to “sway” when you walk on it.
Here’s an example. If you step on a 6-foot step ladder, the first few rungs are stable. The higher you go – not so much. Place your feet on the top of the ladder, and you quickly realize you are in a precarious position. (Better start looking for a safe place to land.)
ShoreMaster docks, equipped with infinity leg pockets, extend the pockets to 18″ deep versus the usual 4″ – 6″ most docks have. Angled braces are added along with the pockets. Unfortunately, even this is not enough to prevent the sway some people are incurring.
Is there another solution?

Sway brace
There is a partial solution which helps but does not totally eliminate sway – the addition of sway braces to the legs.
The addition of one or more cross-braces will reduce the swaying motion. Cross braces are rigid pipe(s) attached at an angle to the legs of the dock. For the pier to sway at the top, it must also move the opposite leg at the base where it is firmer. Mounting sway braces lessens the amount of sway you experience.
If your dock is swaying too much for your comfort, please call John, our service manager, at 920-493-4405.
For sales, contact Jerry ( or call 920-493-4404.
Do you have a friend that might be interested in this post? Please forward it to them.
PWS is located at 7325 St. Hwy 57. That’s 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and 4 miles South of Sturgeon Bay at the Idlewild Road intersection.
Jul 23, 2019

Stand-up PWC
State & Federal law has a lot to say about how you operate your Jet Ski.

Keep 100 feet apart
Many people don’t realize there are legal ways and some NOT so legal ways to operate a PWC or jet ski.
Beyond the usual title and registration that everyone expects, there are specific laws that apply to PWC’s.
Who can operate a jet ski?
In Wisconsin, a person younger than 12 years of age, may not operate a PWC or jet ski.
12-15 years olds may operate a pwc ONLY If they have completed a boating safety course. The Wisconsin DNR must accept the course. Sorry, you can’t substitute parental supervision for this course.
A person at least 16 years old may operate a PWC only if they have completed an accepted boating safety course.
Were you born before Jan 1, 1989?
You are exempt from the course requirement.
No one under 16 years old may rent or lease a PWC.
Remember if you have taken the proper courses, you must carry a copy of the certificate with you and make it available to law enforcement officers when requested.
In addition to the U.S. Coast Guard, Wisconsin conservation wardens, county sheriffs, and municipal police enforce the laws.

Boat Safety Rule #3- Don’t get a visit from him
Just like driving a vehicle, it is illegal to:
- refuse to follow the instruction of a law enforcement officer.
- A pwc operator must slow to “no-wake” or “slow” and give way to a patrol boat if it’s emergency lights are on or if they signal you to stop.
- You must stop when requested or signaled by a law enforcement officer or patrol boat.
- Furthermore, you must reduce speed to “slow” or “no-wake” and stay at least 100 feet from a patrol boat with its emergency lights activated. It’s similar to pulling into another lane when you see an emergency vehicle on a roadway.
You must have the legally required equipment on board at all times including:

Boat Safety Rule #1- Everyone needs one
- PFD (personal flotation device or life jackets) even on canoes and kayaks.
- Kids under 13 must WEAR their PDF while underway on a pwc on federally controlled waters.
- EVERY person on a pwc MUST wear an approved PDF.
- You must wear the proper size PDF, and it must be in good and serviceable condition. No tears, rips, broken straps, or snaps.
Do I need a sound-producing device (Horn) on a PWC?
No! UNLESS you are on federally controlled waters like Lake Michigan.
Are we done? Not Really!
It is against the law to operate a vessel in a negligent or reckless manner such as in a manner that causes danger to life or limb.
Here are some examples:
Operating a vessel within 100 feet of the shoreline, a raft or pier at speeds higher than “no-wake” or “Slow.”
Jumping the wake of another vessel that is towing someone;
Operating a pwc within an area which is marked off for swimming;
Weaving your craft through congested waterways;
Causing hazardous wave or wake conditions while passing another vessel;
Steering toward another object or person and swerving at the last moment; or chasing, harassing or disturbing wildlife.
Overloading your vessel
If you have a pwc rated for two people, that is the maximum number you can have on it at any time regardless of weight or age.
These are just some of the laws you must follow.
Think of operating a vessel like you would a car. If it’s not legal in a car or truck, don’t try it on the water. Example – Do NOT drink and drive!!
Visit the DNR website at and enter “boat safety” to find acceptable boating courses. Also, look for
To read part one of this series go to
Keep us all safe, and we’ll all enjoy the water more on a PWC.
Do you have a friend that might be interested in this post? Please forward it to them.
Pier & Waterfront Solutions
PWS is located at 7325 St. Hwy 57. That’s 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay at the Idlewild Road intersection. Or – for more information, you can call Jerry @ 920-493-4404.
Jul 2, 2019
July 4 th is something we all look forward to each year. There are fireworks, family reunions, and making new friends.

Making a new friend on July 4 th
This year we especially look forward to the four day weekend it brings with it. If Mother Nature cooperates with us, it should be a great weekend.
July 4 th Door County Happenings
Check this article out for a list of July 4 th activities.
However, let’s not forget what July 4th also brings with it. Generally, the boat traffic is substantial all through the weekend. There will be lots of water skiing and boating going on. Not to mention the parties.
Safety Tips
Some safety tips that we must all be aware of are:

Boat Safety Rule #3- Don’t get a visit from him
1. Choose a designated driver. It’s not just for cars. The DNR and law enforcement will be out in force trying to protect you.
2. Don’t allow anyone under the influence to swim alone.
3. Be especially mindful of kids. That means your kids or grandkids and also the neighbors. Kids know no boundaries.
4. Fireworks on boats are a real danger. You have fuel and many flammable items on a boat. Besides, people are in close proximity even a pontoon boat. Leave the fireworks to the professionals.
5. The weather to date has been colder than average, and many of the trees are way behind. Did you know, if you are in an area where there are poplar trees, and you see those fuzzy white balls floating in the air and clinging to your lawn, they present danger around camp-fires and fireworks?
How can something so lightweight and harmless be a danger? The author was at campground years back with the ground covered by the fuzz. Someone threw a firecracker on the ground, and the resulting flash instantly caused a fire that moved incredibly fast. Everyone at the campground had to fight the fast-moving flames. It swept rapidly in every direction.
6. Did you know that, in general, the same rules apply when operating a boat as operating a vehicle? You can receive a citation for following too closely, racing a boat or jet ski too closely, driving under the influence, making dangerous maneuvers, not having the proper life preservers (just like a seatbelt), and more.
We could go on and on but if you want more information about safety, consider reading this article. Here are some more 4th of July tips.
We frequently stress safety because it only takes a snap of your fingers for an accident to happen. We don’t want your weekend (or life) ruined by one wrong decision.
Have a safe and enjoyable July 4th holiday
Where can you find Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
We are located in the center of the Door County Peninsula at 7325 St. Hwy 42/57. That’s 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and 3 miles South of Sturgeon Bay. Look for the Idlewild Road intersection.
Don’t forget – Give us a call If you have a dock or boatlift topic you would like to see addressed on our site.
Call Jerry at 920-493-4404 or Email for more information.
May 28, 2019
Boat Lift covers are available from Pier & Waterfront Solutions (PWS) for ALL popular boat lift brand. A ShoreMaster cover allows PWS to satisfy your demands for faster availability and lighter weights. Plus, they don’t sacrifice quality, regardless of brand. ShoreMaster canopies are made to fit perfectly.
We offer both the WeatherMax® and a 13oz cover.
All ShoreMaster WeatherMax® covers offer superior protection from the elements. You’ll enjoy WeatherMax’s ease-of-use when it comes to installation, cleaning, and storage of the cover. Other features include:
- A water-repellent HydroMax™ finish is applied for long-lasting protection, durability, and color retention;
- The Lightweight yarn fabric provides a soft feel, vibrant colors and easy installation & removal;
- Deep scalloping around the perimeter of the canopy cover offers extra coverage; and
- There are five color options available:

Taupe- Weathermax canopy cover

Black-Weathermax canopy cover

Navy-Weathermax canopy cover

Light-charcoal-Weathermax canopy cover

Forest-green-Weathermax canopy cover
Caution – Colors shown may not be accurate. Your monitor or phone may adjust the colors. See PWS for accurate samples.
This new 13oz canopy weighs 30% less than the canopy covers supplied by some other suppliers. That makes it easier to install, remove, clean and maintain. In addition, the 13oz canopy cover sacrifices nothing when it comes to quality. You get superior performance in all critical testing areas:
- Tongue tear testing;
- UV resistance;
- Strip tensile testing;
- Grab tensile testing; and
- Hydrostatic resistance tests.
This 13oz vinyl canopy is designed to be very lightweight without sacrificing:
- Durability, moisture resistance and UV protection that you expect from a premium vinyl canopy cover.
- The 13 oz Vinyl Covers use an exclusive topcoat for superior strength, clean-ability, weatherproofing and protection.
- Lighter weight vinyl for hassle-free installation and removals.
- The deep scalloping around the perimeter of the canopy cover provides extra coverage.
- Six color options.

Blue 13oz Vinyl Canopy Cover

Onyx 13oz Vinyl Canopy Cover

Tan 13oz Vinyl Canopy Cover

Gray 13oz Vinyl Canopy Cover

White13oz Vinyl Canopy Cover

Forest-green-13oz Vinyl Canopy Cover
Caution – Colors shown may not be accurate. Your monitor or phone may adjust the colors. See PWS for accurate samples.
What do we recommend? WeatherMax® – for its overall strength, durability, and cost.
Here are some standard dimensions for ShoreMaster canopies.
Don’t have a ShoreMaster lift? Uncertain about the dimensions of your lift cover or where to start? We give you three options:
- Refer to this ARTICLE for information on how to measure the frame;
- Call us if it is a different brand than the two shown in that article; OR
- PWS will come to your site to get the information needed.
Remember, PWS prefers to do an on-site evaluation to ensure the accuracy needed. There are many lengths, styles, and widths available.
You can view complete PRODUCT WARRANTY DETAILS here.
Protect your investment by registering your ShoreMaster purchase for full warranty coverage. Plus, when you register your purchase, you’ll receive a FREE gift from ShoreMaster. You’ll need your dealer and product information (a receipt or invoice will be sufficient) to register your product.
Do you have a friend that may be interested in this information? Please share a link to this page with them.
PWS is located at 7325 St. Hwy 57. That’s 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and 3 miles South of Sturgeon Bay at the Idlewild Road intersection. Our staff is here year-round to assist you.