Aug 11, 2020
Stress – Even Boat Lifts experience it
Stress – Even boat lifts are under stress – this year more than ever before due to the high waters.
Why? High water increases the stress on your cables.
We’ve previously informed you of the danger to boat lift cables during a storm. If the waves hit the bottom of your boat it will momentarily lift the boat and then allow it to fall back on the rack. What if the cables are weakened by rust and frays? The “bouncing” effect can completely sever a cable into two pieces.
The boat only lifts a fraction of an inch – right?!!
How can that movement harm the cables?
Even though the boat only rises a fraction of an inch, the energy of the “falling” boat must be absorbed by the boat rack. The cables in each corner of the lift must, in turn, absorb the stress of a moving 3-5,000 pound boat.
Having said that, a weakened cable is in imminent danger of breaking. Think of an 80-100 lb jackhammer used to break up concrete. Even reinforced concrete can not withstand the movement of the bit hitting the concrete.
With a boat, you are talking about a potential 5,000 lb weight dropping on a rack compared to an 80-100 lb. weight.
Protect your cables! It only takes a minute or two to protect your cables from rust. It’s simple and easy to do. A convenient link* is provided below so you can learn more about this.
What are the defect warning signs?
There are warning signs of defects in your cables? If your cables look like any of these, it’s time to replace them. Need more information? Here’s an article that addresses this issue.
Always remember – it is possible to have broken strands inside your cable without any exterior signs of damage. This situation is especially true on stainless steel cables which do not rust.
What’s a quick way to reduce the stress on the cables?
At the beginning of the year, we place your boat lift in the requested location. We adjust the height of the legs based on what the current water level is.
Unfortunately, the water has continued to rise this year and that may no longer be suitable for the conditions you have today. Add to this the Seiche waves (pronounced “say-sh”) which are standing waves that form in a confined body of water. The friction of the wind against the surface of the water causes wave action.
As waves move towards the shoreline the water gets shallower and the moving waves rise higher. Standing waves, in general, can form in any type of semi-enclosed or enclosed body of water. When these rising waves hit the bottom of your boat the boat does what it is designed to do – it floats on the water.
Your Lift rack may be too close
The lift rack could be too close to the water to protect your boat with the rising water. As a result, you are not able to raise the boat high enough to keep it above the waves. On the other hand, If the rack is set too high in the water, you may not be able to get your boat on the lift. It’s a delicate balance. The variable is the changing depth of the water.
What can I do?
One way to raise the boat higher is to purchase longer legs and replace the standard lengths with new ones.
A less costly alternative is to simply move your lift closer to shore. It will be in shallower water and save you having to buy longer legs and the labor to install them.
If you keep the standard legs and don’t allow us to place the lift closer to the shore, you are inviting costly repairs or even replacements.
In Conclusion
Get out there and take care of those cables. Check out the link below. Then, consider moving the lift closer to shore.
* Wire Rope Lubrication link.
Tell Your Friends & Family
Have friends or neighbors you believe should see this article? Email them a link to this article – and Thank you!
You can visit Pier & Waterfront Solutions on Facebook also.
Don’t Forget – PWS is the expert when you have a waterfront problem!
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, we are about 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay, and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look for the intersection of Idlewild Road and Hwy 57.
Pier & Waterfront Solutions has remained “open.” We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. As of Aug 1st, Wisconsin mandates the use of face masks. We also endorse this to slow the spread of Covid-19. It’s the only known method to control the spread at this time.
While all this is going on, we are working to maintain the trusted service you expect. That’s important to us.
We are conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone. Site visits will continue as usual. When in-person contacts are necessary, we follow “social distancing” guidelines as closely as possible.
When can I see the display yard?
Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number.
How will I get my estimate?
We provide estimates and invoices by email to make the process paperless and faster. With these measures, we hope everyone will stay safe, and we will be back to normal operations soon.
What can YOU do to help our crews?
Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. When you see our crews working in your area, please practice “social distancing.”
Call, message, or use this simple request form to get answers and quotes.
Thank you for allowing us to work with you – safely.
Let’s all stay safe!
Jun 30, 2020
Paddlers, Kayaks & Canoes
Paddlers, kayaks, and canoes are experiencing a growing demand. This means an increased demand for convenient storage units. Storage must be both convenient and safe. Spend more time on the water paddling and less time moving your gear to the water.

Kayak/Canoe Rack
Store your paddleboard, kayak, canoe, wakeboard, and more – right on your dock. These storage racks solve the problem for you.
With the storage racks, you don’t have to carry your equipment down to the beach each time. Why pay for customization when they are readily available from Pier & Waterfront Solutions.
Now available for the new PWS 3-Season Pier too!
Attach a bracket on the perimeter of your dock, and the single or double mounting racks are ready to mount. Your water-sport toys are already at the lake for easy access whenever you want them.
Request a Quote today!
The accessories extend out over the water and off the dock. You aren’t going to sacrifice any of your valuable dock space. It’s a win-win situation – convenience and security.

Dual stand up paddleboard rack
Single and double (shown here) paddleboard rack options are available. The versatile design can accommodate nearly any water-sports equipment.
Mounting plates can go just about anywhere and takes the hassle out of customization. It allows your dock system to evolve as your needs change.
Spend more time enjoying the water and less time carrying your paddleboards around.
Dock Steps

Dock Steps
Now that you chose the accessory you want, its time to gain easy access to your dock. How about steps or a pivoting ladder?
Dock steps are a great addition to any dock system for easy lake access and use. They take up no dock space and are a safe way to access your dock from the water.
The Quick Steps feature a wider step and deeper tread. The Quick Steps are available in a 4-step or 6-step option for deeper water.
Both styles of sets are made of lightweight aluminum. The steps are maintenance-free and built to last. The steps feature handrails for safety, and have wide, ribbed treads, providing a slip-resistant surface.
Paddlers, canoeists, and kayakers will really appreciate these steps.
Request a Quote today!

Pivot Ladder
Get in and out of the water quickly with a pivoting or stationary ladder.
A vertical pivoting action and locking pin allow you to flip the ladder up when not in use. At the same time, you ensure stability when you need it the most. The ladders attach just about anywhere along the perimeter of the dock. They take up minimal space allowing for greater access to your dock and the lake.
The aluminum ladders are available in 3, 4, and 5-step options. All-aluminum construction means they are lightweight yet durable and long-lasting. A steel version (fixed position) with 7 steps is also available.
Request a Quote today!
You can Relax and Enjoy your paddling experience with these beautiful accessories.
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, it’s 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay, and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look on the right side, one mile north, at the next intersection (Idlewild Road and Hwy 57).
Pier & Waterfront Solutions is “open.” We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. We are working to maintain the trusted service that you have come to expect.
We are implementing these precautionary measures:
1. Conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
2. Site visits will continue but with limited in-person meetings. When in-person contacts are necessary, we follow “social distancing” guidelines.
3. Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number.
But That’s not all!
4. Some employees are working remotely, but they are always available by phone.
5. Any employee exhibiting symptoms or illness is sent home.
6. We provide estimates and invoices by email to make the process paperless and faster.
7. Crew starting times are being staggered to limit social interactions.
8. We keep the same crews together to limit cross interactions.
With these measures, we hope everyone will stay safe. We want to get back to normal operations soon.
What can YOU do to help us?
1. Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. This step protects everyone involved.
2. When you see our crews installing equipment, please practice “social distancing.”
Please call, message, or email us with any questions.
Thank you for allowing us to work with you.
Let’s all stay safe!
Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or – Commercial work & new/used Sales.
Dave @ (920) 905-2588 or – Erosion control & shoreline work.
Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or – Scheduling & Service work
May 19, 2020
The Best Boat Dock Decking in Door County
Boat dock decking is no longer a simple piece of wood laid on other pieces of wood. There are many types of materials used on piers and boat docks today.
Today’s options include open-deck plastic, solid plastic boards, aluminum, wood, and various composites.
What’s the most popular decking used today, and why?
Today, wise shoppers choose plastic with the open-deck configuration.
It’s simple. The best type of decking is a plastic deck. Today’s plastic holds it’s original color (within 3%). It also keeps it’s shape better. Plastics need less maintenance than any of the other types of decking.
Plastic decking requires no staining or painting. The surface does not flake or wear-off, nor does it lose its color with exposure to the UV rays.
Open-decking helps resist the growth of mold and mildew far better than wood or even another plastic deck. Plastic stays cool in the summer, repels rain and dries quickly. About 90% of the moisture runs off immediately while the rest simply evaporates.
What about other types of plastic boat dock decking?
If you are referring to the wood and resin-impregnated boards, over time, the wood fibers swell. The moisture can attract mold and mildew.
How about recycled plastic boards with no fiber in it?

Typical Plank decking
The recycled boards come with their unique problems.
If stored in shaded areas, HDPE plastic boards cannot escape the mold/mildew cycle. See how the mold/mildew cycle develops HERE.
What’s the most important thing about decking?
Recycled decking is an extruded board. That means, when cresting waves hit the bottom of the dock, there is no release for the energy waves produce. The bolted-down boards keep the decking from washing away. But this creates a virtual “solid” surface for the wave’s energy to push against. The frame structure must take all the energy from the wave.
How can you prove this?
Look at a dock that flipped over during a storm. You will notice that the legs bent in the direction that the storm originated.
Solid boards with a 1/2″ gap every 6″ does not relieve the pressure from the waves.
The result is the upward pressure from the waves lifted the pier high enough for it to move sideways. The legs were no longer vertical. They came down at an angle, and the legs bent. The continuing pressure from the waves then pushed the dock over.
Plastic is plastic – isn’t it?
Yes, they are all oil derivatives. But, there are many types of plastic made today. Some are super hard and act as “bearing surfaces,” while others are very pliable.
In general, plastics will outlive us. The shape and surface area of the plastic makes a big difference when it comes to decking.
How do you relieve the upward energy?
The only way to relieve the pressure on the boat dock decking is to provide enough open areas for the wave energy to pass through. 42% open area is the standard today.
At this percentage, almost one-half of the wave energy passes through the decking. The wave is less likely to lift the dock. Yet the decking is strong enough to walk on.
If you combine the most massive steel frame in Door County along with an open deck,
you get the PWS 3-Season Pier.
Don’t Forget – Considering rip-rap for your shoreline? PWS is the place to contact!
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, it’s 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay, and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look on the right side, one mile north, at the next intersection (Idlewild Road and Hwy 57).
During this time of uncertainty, Pier & Waterfront Solutions is staying “open.” We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. At the same time, we are working to maintain the trusted service that you have come to expect.
We are implementing these precautionary measures:
1. Conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
2. Site visits will continue but with limited in-person meetings. When in-person contacts are necessary, we will follow “social distancing” guidelines.
3. Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number.
4. Some employees are working remotely, but they are always available by phone.
5. Any employee exhibiting symptoms or illness is sent home.
6. We continue to provide estimates and invoices by email to make the process paperless and faster.
7. Crew starting times are being staggered to limit social interactions.
8. We keep the same crews together to limit cross interactions.
With these measures, we hope everyone will stay safe, and we will be back to normal operations soon.
What can YOU do to help us?
1. Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. This step protects everyone involved.
2. When you see our crews installing equipment, please practice “social distancing.”
Thank you for allowing us to work with you.
Please call, message, or email us with any questions.
Let’s all stay safe!
Jan 21, 2020
Pier & Waterfront Solutions
When Pier & Waterfront Solutions (PWS) began in 2015, the founders never expected the strong response they have received for their efforts. They made a substantial initial investment in equipment and personnel. This investment had been based on extensive prior experience. They resolved not to make the same mistakes that other businesses had made.
Customer needs were to come before profits. It’s been a philosophy they follow to this day. The business demand has grown accordingly.
What are some examples?
As an example, as the business grew, they quickly realized that more equipment and crews to man the equipment were needed. In 2017 and again in 2018, they added the second and third machines and the crews to operate them.

Announcing ……….
This year, PWS purchased their FOURTH machine to handle the growing demand. But wait, that’s not all.
Despite the labor shortage in Door County, an additional hand install crew is in the works for 2020 also. This investment is to keep up with the market for our services.
How has PWS been received? Read our customer testimonials. These are actual notes we have received from our customers and printed here word-for-word.
Now it’s time for more changes.
What about our erosion control systems?
In the January 7th article, we also introduced you to our expanded shoreline erosion & rip-rap systems. In an attempt to preserve as much shoreline as possible from erosion, work continues into the winter months with the favorable weather.
Here are some more examples of the work that we completed this year.

Shoreline restitution – AFTER

Preventing shoreline erosion
MORE EXCITING NEWS – that’s not all of the changes coming for 2020! Follow this link for our next announcement.
Don’t Forget
Pier & Waterfront Solutions (PWS) specializes in ShoreMaster docks, lifts, accessories, and now, shoreline erosion control and waterfront work!
Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, just south of Sturgeon Bay, PWS can be found at the intersection of Idlewild Road and Hwy 57. Our staff looks forward to serving all of your waterfront needs.
Contact Dave @ (920) 905-2588 or Email for information about erosion control.
Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or Email for information about New & Used Sales.
John @ (920) 493- 4405 or Email for Scheduling.
Jul 30, 2019
Purchasing a boat lift (new or used) can be very confusing. There is a lot to consider before making your selection. This article will assist you in making the right decision.
Let’s start with, where will you be using the boat lift?
Why is location important? The location will be an essential consideration for determining the suitability of a boat lift for the body of water you are on. Will you be on the Bay of Green Bay, Lake Winnebago, a river or a small inland lake?
On larger bodies of water, vertical boat lifts are the preferred choice. Why? The answer is the extra lifting height you get versus a cantilever lift.

2019 Storm Challenges
2019 is proving to be a challenging year for most dock and boat lift owners. With record-setting water depths and strong, frequent storms, owners see the need for the higher lifting capacities.
Unlike people on small lakes, the Bay of Green Bay and Lake Winnebago present unique problems for boaters. The reasons are the storm surges. A storm surge is caused by sustained winds blowing in one direction with no rivers or creeks on the leeward side to relieve the pressure of the water piling up. Wave action of 4 or more feet on top of a water surge makes the situation even worse.
These two factors combined, mean you will need a lift that raises high enough to keep your investment from being damaged. You also need the most durable frame construction possible.
Frame strength is achieved by using a more substantial square or rectangular frame versus a round, thin tube. If the frame is not strong enough, you won’t get the extra protection your boat deserves. That’s why PWS only handles ShoreMaster boat lifts.
Rivers have unique problems in the form of fluctuations in water depth in early spring from snow melting and heavy rain runoff during the season. Any boat lift must be capable of handling the changing water levels here too.
Depth of water is another consideration.
Vertical lifts, with a “V” rack, require about 6″ of water plus the draft of the boat to operate. This low water requirement is vital if the water recedes in late summer or fall.
Boat length, width, and weight affect your choice.
PWS recommends that you consider not only the length, width, and weight of the boat you currently have, but also the possibility of a larger boat in the future. It will save you money in the long run. People frequently change to a bigger, better boat, so you should not ignore this issue.
Why do we insist on checking the weight you give us for your boat?
It’s not that we don’t trust you – we simply don’t trust you, but in a good way. Our reputation is on the line with every lift we sell, so it has to be the right one for your needs. Some salespeople quickly choose the lift you “need” without even looking up the Specifications to be sure. Remember, the weight is more than the boat weight.
See also
Will you raise the boat by hand or do you need a motor?

24 V Solar Panel arrangement
Do you want to raise your boat with the winch wheel or use a remote-controlled motor to do the work for you? 12V/24V D.C. motors power most boat lifts with 120V A.C. used less frequently.
Nature charges your battery via a solar panel, and there is no cost to do it.
A.C. versions, while available, require 120 V power at the boat site and require more care to prevent electrical shock.
What are the Frame Materials?

Corroded & Frayed Boatlift Cable
The most popular boat lifts in N.E. Wisconsin have aluminum frames and stainless steel cables.
There are still a few steel boat lifts around.
But they are few and far between due to their weight, limited lifting heights and susceptibility to rust.
Aluminum boat lifts will have either galvanized or stainless steel cables. Sometimes they have a combination of both materials. Stainless steel cables last as much as 2-4 times longer than galvanized steel cables and don’t rust.
What about the pulleys on the lift?

ShoreMaster Brass Pulleys
Pulleys on boat lifts will be either plastic, steel or brass construction. Robust brass pulleys with stainless steel hubs are

Plastic Pulleys
the best choice while plastic pulleys are not recommended even on the lighter PWC lifts. The heavier the boat, the more critical it is to have stainless steel and brass materials.
Plastic pulleys become brittle over time. Eventually, the edges break off, and the cable gets jammed between the frame and the pulley. Raising a boat with a jammed cable is extremely hard to do.
Who will install the boat lift?
A professional company is best suited to do this for you.
Boat lifts in the 5000# range or larger, definitely require professional installation and removal services. It’s not a job for amateurs. Do you have a dependable provider for this service? PWS has experienced, trained people and the necessary equipment to do it for you,
What is the Warranty?
Many boat lifts come with a 1 or 2-year factory structural warranty. Some have five-year, and a few even have a 10-year warranty. ShoreMaster boat lifts carry a full 15-year structural warranty. The 15-year warranty is the best on the market.
Now it’s up to you! Our recommendation? See what your neighbors have to say about PWS.

Customer Testimonials
Do you have a friend that might be interested in this post? Please forward it to them.
Pier & Waterfront Solutions
PWS is located at 7325 St. Hwy 57. That’s 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay at the Idlewild Road intersection. Or – for more information, you can call Jerry @ 920-493-4404.