May 7, 2020
Summer is almost here. Are you Ready?
Summer activities officially start with Memorial Day. In 2020 this may be delayed for many people. Even so, it’s approaching fast.
Memorial Day means a lot of outdoor activities will be starting. Many people will head to the lake for fun and relaxation. To truly enjoy the rest of the season, you have to ask yourself, “Is my place ready for summer”?
Many people have time on their hands this year, so why not use it to get ready for summer? That way, you can enjoy getting outside and have some real fun on the water.
Be Ready for Summer Activities
Here’s a quick checklist to help make sure you are ready for the season. Many people have time on your hands this year, so why not use it to get ready for summer?
Summer Startup Checklist:
- Have your air conditioner checked and serviced if needed.
- Inspect, sweep, and power wash your decking & porch. For more information – see link.
- Touch up stains and paints as needed.
- Prep your lawn. You may need to give the yard a thorough mowing.
- Rake up any leftover leaves and debris so that a lush green grass can thrive.
- Get out the rake and clean up any debris on your shore. Watch for glass and sharp objects that washed up over the winter. They can completely take the fun out of your summer.
- Clean the grill, fill the propane tanks, or stock up on charcoal and lighter fluid. You want to make sure you have everything ready for that first barbeque.
- Test all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Test these every six months. If you don’t have detectors or fire extinguishers, be sure to get some. Unlike living in the city, many lakefront communities have only volunteer fire departments. Response times may not be as quick as in the city, and fire only needs time to get totally out of control.
- If the furnace has not been operating over the winter, now is an excellent time to make sure it is working correctly. You’ll need it for those early morning chills.
- Look over the screens on the windows and doors. Repair any holes or replace them as needed. No one wants to leave an invitation for the bugs to enter the house.
- Clean your boat and PWC and any other “toys.” Check all fluid levels, inspect the hull, test electronics, give it a thorough cleaning.
- Check all anchor ropes. Are they cut or rotting?
- Be sure to check the trailer and lights. Nothing is more aggravating than following a vehicle with faulty lights.
- Have you checked the batteries? Is it time for a new one?
- Be sure to stock the cabinets. Are there snacks, hamburgers, chips, hot dogs, buns, along with beverages and lots of s’mores. They’re great for outdoor grills and campfires.
- Plant new flowers to add more beauty and color to your yard.
- Check your dock and the cables on your jet ski and boat lifts. Have them changed before they go into the water. For more information, follow this link; and
Most important of all …ENJOY A SAFE SUMMER!
Tell Your Friends & Family
Have friends or neighbors you believe should see this article? Email them this link – and Thank you!
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, it’s 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay, and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look on the right side, one mile north, at the next intersection (Idlewild Road and Hwy 57).
During this time of uncertainty, Pier & Waterfront Solutions is staying “open.” We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. At the same time, we are working to maintain the trusted service that you have come to expect.
We are implementing these precautionary measures:
1. Conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
2. Site visits will continue but with limited in-person meetings. When in-person contacts are necessary, we will follow “social distancing” guidelines.
3. Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number.
Is there More?
4. Some employees will be working remotely, but they are always available by phone.
5. Any employee with symptoms or illness is sent home.
6. We continue to provide estimates and invoices by email to make the process paperless.
7. Crew starting times are being staggered to limit social interactions.
8. We keep the same crews together to limit cross interactions.
With these measures, we hope everyone will stay safe, and we will be back to normal operations soon.
What can you do to help us?
1. Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. This step protects everyone involved.
2. When you see our crews installing equipment, please practice “social distancing.”
Thank you for allowing us to work with you.
Please call, message, or email us with any questions.
Let’s all stay safe!
Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or – Commercial work & new/used Sales.
Dave @ (920) 905-2588 or – Erosion control & shoreline work.
John @ (920) 493-4405 or – Scheduling & Service work
May 5, 2020
Sturgeon Bay business installs Rip-Rap
Pier & Waterfront Solutions has expanded its Sturgeon Bay rip-rap business to handle the increased installation demand on Lake Michigan and the Bay of Green Bay. Installing rip-rap has prevented further destruction due to the high water levels. Pier & Waterfront Solutions has kept its excavators working through the winter to meet the demand.
PWS Co-owner, Dave Kalista, has been coordinating the work for the last two years. Dave recently reported that “As the waters continue to rise, the demand has risen with it. We recently added another excavator to handle the demand.” Dave went on to say, “With the additional excavator, we can better serve our customers in a timely fashion.”
As of Jan. 2020, local waters in Sturgeon Bay and the whole of the Door County Peninsula have risen 39,” year-to-year. 39″ exceeds records set back in 1986. Some experts predict water levels will increase by an additional 20″ by the end of summer.

Rip-rap could prevent this.
As a result, beaches are eroding at an alarming rate. The erosion is due to record-setting water levels and intense storms. Typical damage includes eroded beaches, lawns, and uprooted trees and vegetation.
How can you protect your Property?
Experts agree – rip-rap and seawalls are the best methods to protect against erosion. Of the choices, rip-rap is the least costly by far.
Contact Dave at (920) 905-2588 for more information.
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, it’s 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay, and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look on the right side, one mile north, at the next intersection (Idlewild Road and Hwy 57).
During this time of uncertainty, Pier & Waterfront Solutions is staying “open.” We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. At the same time, we are working to maintain the trusted service that you have come to expect.
We are implementing these precautionary measures:
1. Conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
2. Site visits will continue but with limited in-person meetings. When in-person contacts are necessary, we will follow “social distancing” guidelines.
3. Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number.
Is there More?
4. Some employees will be working remotely, but they are always available by phone.
5. Any employee with symptoms or illness is sent home.
6. We continue to provide estimates and invoices by email to make the process paperless.
7. Crew starting times are being staggered to limit social interactions.
8. We keep the same crews together to limit cross interactions.
With these measures, we hope everyone will stay safe, and we will be back to normal operations soon.
What can you do to help us?
1. Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. This step protects everyone involved.
2. When you see our crews installing equipment, please practice “social distancing.”
Thank you for allowing us to work with you.
Please call, message, or email us with any questions.
Let’s all stay safe!
Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or – Commercial work & new/used Sales.
Dave @ (920) 905-2588 or – Erosion control & shoreline work.
John @ (920) 493-4405 or – Scheduling & Service work
Apr 28, 2020
The high water again this year means that your dock and boat lift will once again be taking a beating. (see article)
Last year, some people insisted on putting their entire dock in. Additionally, they wanted their boat lifts at the end of the dock. We advised against this, and we will be asking again this year. Why do we recommend this?
First, the Legal reason – the DNR restricts a dock from being in water depths deeper than necessary to float a boat. In the past, in some areas, this meant a dock could be 200′ long (with warning lights to alert boaters in the dark).
Even that 200′ dock was legal as long as it did not obstruct boat traffic. If the water levels were shallow, you had to go that far out to launch a boat in some areas.
Today, that same dock could be closer to 100′ (or less) due to the extremely high water.
Second, the reason for a shorter dock this year is simple – The water is EVEN HIGHER this year. There is a better chance that your dock and boat will survive the storms.
Finally, do you want to save money as well as reduce the risk of damage to your dock & boat lifts? The cost of installation depends, among other things, on the actual time it takes to install your equipment. Often, fewer sections equate to lower costs.
What’s the alternative to a shorter dock?
Without your agreement, we had to install the full length. If you didn’t agree, we felt we had no choice but to replace the legs with longer legs. We had to do this to compensate for the higher water. But, this route results in higher costs for installation.
Some homeowners took us up on the shorter docks in the hope that the water would go down in 2020. It didn’t! Others opted for lengthening the legs.
From our standpoint, it requires more time to replace the legs with longer ones than to shorten the dock.
So – What Happened?
Some docks did not have longer legs put on, and we installed the entire length. Still, they survived. If this was your dock, feel fortunate.
For those who did NOT allow us to do one of these alternatives, we will be asking you to choose again this year. Remember, the water is even higher this year.
We would prefer to leave one or two sections uninstalled this year. The alternative, we will request that you allow us to put longer legs on your dock. Our goal is simple – we want to limit damage to your dock.
Also remember, with longer legs, your dock may have more “sway” to it. If that happens, we recommend sway braces.
Even with longer legs, we will ask you to move your boat, and jet ski lifts closer to the shore. This will help protect them from the waves. The lifts have limited leg lengths (without getting longer legs). Your boat could pay the price if we don’t use one of these alternatives.
NEW – this year!
This year PWS has another alternative that was not available in the past. Talk to Jerry about trading your dock for the new 3-Season Pier, which we are now offering.
This new steel dock can handle storms better due to it’s greater weight and the “open” decking we use. Combining these two features makes it the heaviest pier on Green Bay. It has survived installations on Lake Michigan also.
Tell Your Friends & Family
Have friends or neighbors you believe should see this article? Email them this link – and Thank you!
Don’t Forget – Considering rip-rap for your shoreline? PWS is the place to contact!
PWS is open for business as usual. Practicing “Social Distancing”? We do business by phone and emails also.
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, it’s 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay, and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look on the right side, one mile north, at the next intersection (Idlewild Road and Hwy 57).
During this time of uncertainty, Pier & Waterfront Solutions is staying “open.” We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. At the same time, we are working to maintain the trusted service that you have come to expect.
We are implementing these precautionary measures:
1. Conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
2. Site visits will continue but with limited in-person meetings. When in-person contacts are necessary, we will follow “social distancing” guidelines.
3. Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number.
Is there More?
4. Some employees will be working remotely, but they are always available by phone.
5. Any employee with symptoms or illness is sent home.
6. We continue to provide estimates and invoices by email to make the process paperless.
7. Crew starting times are being staggered to limit social interactions.
8. We keep the same crews together to limit cross interactions.
With these measures, we hope everyone will stay safe, and we will be back to normal operations soon.
What can you do to help us?
1. Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. This step protects everyone involved.
2. When you see our crews installing equipment, please practice “social distancing.”
Thank you for allowing us to work with you.
Please call, message, or email us with any questions.
Let’s all stay safe!
Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or – Commercial work & new/used Sales.
Dave @ (920) 905-2588 or – Erosion control & shoreline work.
John @ (920) 493-4405 or – Scheduling & Service work
Apr 24, 2020
The Ultimate Guide to Dock Sway
Define Dock Sway
Dock sway is the side-to-side movement experienced when you walk on dock decking. The higher a dock sits, the more likely it will occur. It can also happen on deeper inland akes, even though the deck is only a foot above the water. Sway is the direct result of the length of the legs and the size of the leg material.
We have published several articles to tell you about the continued rising waters on Green Bay and Lake Michigan. &
At the time of the most recent report, the water was 14″ higher than last year. Remember, last year was about 12″ higher than the previous year.
Since the most recent update, it has continued to rise several inches more. The upward trend will continue through 2020.
How Much Higher Will the Docks be This Year?

Long legs = dock sway
It will be necessary to raise the docks to adjust for storms. It’s the only way to escape the waves’ energy. The high waves we experience in Door County means it is always prudent to raise the dock accordingly.
What Causes Dock Sway?
The longer the legs are, the more likely you are to experience sway. Let’s look at two examples to explain this:
- A flagpole tends to sway when subjected to strong winds. If you raise the pole 10′ higher without increasing the diameter of the flagpole, you will see much more sway. The higher the pole is, the larger the width of the pole must be.
- If you step on a 6-foot step ladder, the first few rungs are pretty stable. You’re not high off the bottom. The higher you go, the more the ladder tends to sway.
We do not advise this, but if you place your feet on the top rung of the ladder, you need to start looking for a safe place to land.
How Can You Minimize Sway?
There are several things that you can do:
1. Increase the width of the dock. It’s more stable when walking on a wider pier. But, that’s not practical when you already have a dock.
2. The addition of cross-braces on the lower parts of the legs will reduce the swaying motion. Cross braces are rigid pipe(s) attached in an “X” pattern to make the dock stable. Usually, the cross brace attaches near the end of the dock, where the longest legs are used. The end is the most susceptible point on a pier when looking at sway.
3. New this year is the 3-Season Pier. This new pier will also be set high, but the legs are stronger (larger diameter), and the dock is more stable as a result. Cross braces would still be a good idea if your experience sway.
4. Give serious consideration to not installing all the sections you have available. See this article – Shorter Dock on April 28th.
Why Go Through Any of These Expenses?
You could let the waves destroy the dock and get a new one using the insurance money. Wrong!! If you re thinking this way, check out this article along with this article. Insurance will rarely pay for your damaged dock.
What Does the 3-Season Pier Use?
On the 3-Season Pier, we use 2″ schedule 40, galvanized steel pipe, which has an outside diameter of 2 3/8″.
Compare that with the legs used by some competitors, which are 1 ¼” pipe or even 1 ½” tubing. (Tubing is the lightest or thinnest of all the materials used. Tubing is used mainly on all-wood docks). Both of these have little strength, and docks should never use them.
One Last Suggestion
One final recommendation is to use “Flow-Through” decking (see this article on May 19th) This decking minimizes the effects of the waves on the dock. With 42% less deck surface, it allows much of the wave’s energy to pass harmlessly through the decking.
In conclusion
Give serious consideration to not installing the full length of your dock to avoid sway this year.
Tell Your Friends & Family
Have friends or neighbors you believe should see this article? Email them this link – and Thank you!
Also, visit Pier & Waterfront Solutions on Facebook.
Don’t Forget – Considering rip-rap for your shoreline? PWS is the place to contact!
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, it’s 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay, and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look on the right side, one mile north, at the next intersection (Idlewild Road and Hwy 57).
During this time of uncertainty, Pier & Waterfront Solutions is staying “open.” We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. At the same time, we are working to maintain the trusted service that you have come to expect.
We are implementing these precautionary measures:
- Conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
- Site visits will continue but with limited in-person meetings.
- When in-person contacts are necessary, we will follow “social distancing” guidelines.
- Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number.
Is there More?
- Some employees will be working remotely, but they are always available by phone.
- Any employee with symptoms or illness is sent home.
- We continue to provide estimates and invoices by email to make the process paperless.
- Crew starting times are being staggered to limit social interactions.
- We keep the same crews together to limit cross interactions.
With these measures, we hope everyone will stay safe, and we will be back to normal operations soon.
What can YOU do to help us?
- Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. This step protects everyone involved.
- When you see our crews installing equipment, please practice “social distancing.”
Thank you for allowing us to work with you.
Please call, message, or email us with any questions.
Let’s all stay safe!
Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or – Commercial work & new/used Sales.
Dave @ (920) 905-2588 or – Erosion control & shoreline work.
John @ (920) 493-4405 or – Scheduling & Service work
Apr 21, 2020
What happened to Lake Michigan water levels?
Water levels continued to rise on Lake Michigan in February, and it dropped 1″ in March*.
According to the US Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit district, “February was drier across most of the Great Lakes. However, water levels remain above record highs for this time of year”. In reality, February saw another two-inch increase compared to February of 2019.
We projected a 10″ rise in water levels year to year. We missed that mark. It rose 14 inches, which represents 11 trillion gallons more water in the Lake Michigan-Huron water system since last year. Believe it or not, that included the 1″ drop in March.
Water levels usually peak in late summer or early Fall. At present, the Army Corps predicts the water level will continue to rise another 1-5″ before Fall.
With the high water levels, you should expect stronger storm action in the summer months. With this action, there will be more erosion along the exposed shorelines.
What can you do to protect your property from rising water levels?
There are TWO things you can do:
- Install rip-rap to help protect your shoreline. Residents of the Door County peninsula already trust PWS to do a professional job. Call Dave @ (920) 905-2588; and
- Look at the new 3-Season Pier. Call Jerry @ (920)-493-4404.
PWS is all about SOLUTIONS!
Tell Your Friends & Family
Have friends or neighbors you believe should see this article? Email them this Link – and Thank you!
Visit Pier & Waterfront Solutions on Facebook also.
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, it’s 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay, and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look on the right side, one mile north at the next intersection (Idlewild Road and Hwy 57).
During this time of uncertainty, Pier & Waterfront Solutions is staying “open.” We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. At the same time, we are working to maintain the trusted service that you have come to expect.
We are implementing these precautionary measures:
1. Conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
2. Site visits will continue but with limited in-person meetings. When in-person contacts are necessary, we will follow “social distancing” guidelines.
3. Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number.
Is there More?
4. Some employees will be working remotely, but they are always available by phone.
5. Any employee with symptoms or illness is sent home.
6. We continue to provide estimates and invoices by email to make the process paperless.
7. Crew starting times are being staggered to limit social interactions.
8. We keep the same crews together to limit cross interactions.
With these measures, we hope everyone will stay safe, and we will be back to normal operations soon.
What can you do to help us?
1. Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. This step protects everyone involved.
2. When you see our crews installing equipment, please practice “social distancing.”
Thank you for allowing us to work with you.
Please call, message, or email us with any questions.
Let’s all stay safe!
Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or – Commercial work & new/used Sales.
Dave @ (920) 905-2588 or – Erosion control & shoreline work.
John @ (920) 493-4405 or – Scheduling & Service work
*Credits: MLive and Huron Daily Tribune