Everything You Need to Know About Boat Lift Safety

A Boat Lift Safety Lesson

Image of sinking boat

My lift cable broke…and I can’t ….

Proper boat lift safety means you won’t have to learn the tough lesson pictured here. If you apply these recommendations, you can relax and enjoy your boating experience.

Failure to follow these safety suggestions may result in damage to your boat or even personal injury.

Boat Lift Safety = Never exceeding the Ratings

The rated capacity of any lift is the maximum capacity, and you should never exceed that amount. 

Boat weight INCLUDES more than just the published weight of the boat. It also includes the weight of fuel, water, and equipment. After all, you will be lifting all of this when you raise your boat. It adds up very quickly! 

Plus, we recommend that you allow at least a 300-500# margin of error when you calculate the boat weight. See also: Sizing a Boatlifts: How to select the correct Boat Lift.

If you ever hear a salesperson say, “You can easily go 40% or 50% over that rating without a problem”. You are at risk of being the owner of the boat above if you follow that flawed thinking. 

What’s the real story?

Lift cables are rated much higher than the rating of the boat lift. As an example, (using imaginary numbers) your boat lift has a 4,000# rating, it could have cables rated for 6,000# to 8,000#. 

The cable rating may be 6,000#, but ONLY if the wires are in perfect shape – meaning no burrs, kinks, frays, or rust. These defects reduce the load capacity of the cables. 

The lift racks are correctly rated for the weight regardless of the cable ratings. If someone is trying to sell you a 4,000# lift and telling you that it can handle up to 4,700# – WALK AWAY!!

The load must also be “balanced” on the rack for proper boat lift safety. (More on this later)

Lift cables fail without warning

Sorry!! Cables don’t “creak” or “groan” as a warning of impending danger. The only sound you hear is a loud “snap” followed by the sound of your boat hitting the water.

In a storm, you want to get your boat as high above the water as possible. Yet, raising a boat until the lifting platform or rack hits the frame is NOT the way to do it. 

Hitting the frame is an all too common occurrence. Ask yourself, if raising the boat that extra ½” is worth snapping a cable. You risk damage to your boat and lift, or worse yet, personal injury.

Operate Lift Motors properly or break a cable 

Properly used, an electric lift motor is a real back saver! I wouldn’t be without one. But you need to exercise extra care when using a lift motor. Shutting off a lift motor does not mean the lifting action will stop. What if it “drifts”?

For example, one brand of lift motor “drifts” after the motor stops. The “drift” potentially causes the lift rack and frame to jam together. 

Cable failure, lift or boat damage, personal injury, or worse may be the result. 

When the rack hits the lift frame, something has to give. The most likely culprit will be the cables. If you combine a damaged cable with a rack hitting the frame, you have a recipe for disaster.

OK, You Jammed the Rack & Frame! – What comes next?

You were distracted, and now the rack is jammed against the frame. A jammed rack means your next step is critical. 

You’re in a hurry to release the pressure, but be sure you know which way the motor will go when you flip the switch. 

If the rack isn’t going “DOWN,” damage occurs almost instantly. If it is a broken cable – your boat goes down – even faster!! Starting the winch or motor in the wrong direction could mean your boat will be in the water in an instant. Did I mention it won’t be floating?

Proper Positioning of the boat is part of boat lift safety.

As if a jammed rack wasn’t enough, did you know there are right ways and wrong ways to position your boat on your lift?

image of a Boat stern overhanging the lift

Boat stern overhanging too far

All lift ratings are based on a “balanced load.” In other words, the weight of the boat must be relatively equal on each end of the rack. 

When you put the majority of the weight on one end of the rack, cable breakage is more likely.

The heaviest part of any boat will be where the engine is mounted. That could be at the stern (outboards) or even near the middle of the boat (inboards). 

A boat placed too far forward on the lift rack results in excessive weight on the “front” of the lift. Too far to the stern of the boat puts too much weight on the rear cables. If the cables have weakened by corrosion or fraying, you risk impending disaster.

What is the correct position for a boat on a lift?

You can determine the proper positioning of a boat by placing the stern of the boat within 12″ – 18″ of the rear lift rack. Now, raise the rack slightly out of the water.

Next, try to lift the bow end with your hands. If the boat weighs 3,500# and you can lift the front of the boat, you are either “Mr. Atlas” or the boat is positioned to the rear. If you can lift the bow at all, your boat is too far back. The weight is not evenly distributed across the four corners of the lift. Lower the boat and reposition it forward.

The boat shown here overhangs about 36″ from the rack and risking major damage. By placing the boat too far back on the rack, a majority of the weight is on the rear cables. What if those cables are weak from corrosion or fraying?

Does high water affect the positioning of a boat?

Yes, it does. In the example above, with the rear of the rack overloaded, the boat has only minimal weight on the front rack. 

Your boat will float on a wave. When the bottom of the boat is “lapped” by a wave, it will try to raise the boat. With repeated lifting (or bouncing) the boat can work it’s way off the rack. It will try to go go to the rear. Eventually, the boat will literally “bounce” right off the lift. 

With a balanced boat, you have a better chance of the boat staying on the rack.

Align the boat in the same position each time.

So, now you have repositioned your boat until you found a good position for a balanced load. What comes next? 

It’s time to make a note of a fixed object on the boat and how it lines up with something on the lift. This is a good gauge for the next time you enter your lift. Always try to go back to this same position.


You now know the do’s and don’t of boat lift ratings and positioning for your boat. With this knowledge, you can Relax and Enjoy your boating experience.

Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?

Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, it’s 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay, and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look on the right side, one mile north, at the next intersection (Idlewild Road and Hwy 57).


During this time of uncertainty, Pier & Waterfront Solutions is staying “open.” We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. At the same time, we are working to maintain the trusted service that you have come to expect.

We are implementing these precautionary measures:

1. Conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
2. Site visits will continue but with limited in-person meetings. When in-person contacts are necessary, we will follow “social distancing” guidelines.
3. Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number.

That’s not all!

4. Some employees are working remotely, but they are always available by phone.
5. Any employee exhibiting symptoms or illness is sent home.
6. We provide estimates and invoices by email to make the process paperless and faster.
7. Crew starting times are being staggered to limit social interactions.
8. We keep the same crews together to limit cross interactions.

With these measures, we hope everyone will stay safe, and we will be back to normal operations soon. 

What can YOU do to help us? 

1. Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. This step protects everyone involved.
2. When you see our crews installing equipment, please practice “social distancing.”


Please call, message, or email us with any questions.

Thank you for allowing us to work with you.

Let’s all stay safe!


Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or Jerry@wisconsinpws.com – Commercial work & new/used Sales.
Dave @ (920) 905-2588 or Dave@wisconsinpws.com – Erosion control & shoreline work.
Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or Jerry@wisconsinpws.com – Scheduling & Service work


10 Best Boat Docking tips

Docking a boat or putting it into a boat lift is not the favorite activity for any boater.  Until you feel confident about what you are doing, it can be down-right terrifying.  It was so easy to go out. – why can’t it be just as simple to come back in? 

Follow the best boat docking tips shown here and it will make it easier for any boater.
  1. Always put safety first. Check the surrounding area before approaching a dock. Kids love to swim under the dock to greet you.
  2. VERY IMPORTANT – How fast are you going? Are the waves pushing you too fast? Are you willing to hit the dock or boat lift at that speed?
  3. Remember – Slow speeds will always give you more time to correct your course. Slower speeds also cause less damage. On the flip side, it is harder to control the boat at slower speeds.

        Follow the next steps for greater control:

  1.  Always turn the wheel BEFORE applying any power – not during or after. This is very important for a single-engine boat.
    Note – Twin inboards? Keep your hands off the wheel with twin inboards. If you do turn the wheel, the boat may take an unexpected path when you try to use the engines.
  2. Apply short bursts instead of steady power to the engine. You won’t build up a lot of momentum, and you will have better control of the boat. Speed and momentum are the opposite of control.
  3. Always stay under power. Without power, you can not control the direction of the boat. Keep the engine on so you can maneuver as necessary.
  4. Secure all ropes and make sure they are not wrapped around anyone’s hands or feet.
  5. Always communicate with passengers as you approach the dock. Managing your crew or guests before and during docking is important to make docking safer.
  6. Always reduce your windage in heavy winds. Particularly in a small boat.
  7. Don’t worry about stopping and doing it over again. If you see a problem, it’s better to reverse the motor than hit something. On your next pass, it may be better – come back for another try.
 Tell Your Friends & Family

Have friends or neighbors you believe should see this article? Email them this link – and Thank you!

Visit Pier & Waterfront Solutions on Facebook also.

Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?

 Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, it’s 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay, and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look on the right side, one mile north at the next intersection (Idlewild Road and Hwy 57).

 We look forward to talking to you.


During this time of uncertainty, Pier & Waterfront Solutions is staying “open.”  We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. At the same time, we are working to maintain the trusted service that you have come to expect.

We are implementing these precautionary measures:

1. Conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone. 
2. Site visits will continue but with limited in-person meetings. When in-person contacts are necessary, we will follow “social distancing” guidelines.
3. Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number.

Is there More?

4. Some employees will be working remotely, but they are always available by phone. 
5. Any employee with symptoms or illness is sent home. 
6. We continue to provide estimates and invoices by email to make the process paperless.
7. Crew starting times are being staggered to limit social interactions.
8. We keep the same crews together to limit cross interactions.

With these measures, we hope everyone will stay safe, and we will be back to normal operations

What can you do to help us? 

1.  Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. This step protects everyone involved.
2. When you see our crews installing equipment, please practice “social distancing.”

Thank you for allowing us to work with you.


Please call, message, or email us with any questions.

Let’s all stay safe!


Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or Jerry@wisconsinpws.com – Commercial work & new/used Sales.
Dave @ (920) 905-2588 or Dave@wisconsinpws.com – Erosion control & shoreline work.
Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or Jerry@wisconsinpws.com – Scheduling & Service work



Are you thinking about buying a used boat lift? This two-part series concludes with four additional items to check. Upon completion, we will have guided you through eight problems to look for when buying a used boat lift. 

See Part 1 for the first four checks.

Here’s the second list of things to check: 

  1. Does the cable wind smoothly and correctly on the winch?
  2. Do the cables have rust on them?  Does it use galvanized or stainless steel cables?
  3. Are there any “kinks” or other visible problems on the cable? 
  4. How often were they lubricated, and with what lubricant? 

Does the cable wind smoothly around the winch?

image of Properly wound boat lift cable

Properly wound Boat lift cable


If you look up inside the winch housing, if it has an enclosure, you will be able to see how the cables are winding. It should be a smooth pattern without any “crossed” cables. If the winch has no outer covering, you can readily see the pattern. 

The wire cable has a “memory” to it. Once the cable gets crossed, it will tend to do it again the next time the cable rewinds.

image of Typical Cable Stacking

Typical Cable Stacking



If the cable is wrapping in layers, you will get a thunderous sound when the cable finally “falls off” the stack. This movement scrapes the galvanizing of the wire, and rust will form. The “shock” of dropping a 2,000# (or more) weight will also apply excessive stress on the cables. 


Do the cables have rust on them?

Galvanized cables will rust over time. The movement of individual strands of the wire against each other cause rust. This movement occurs as they wrap around the winch and pulleys. There is no way to end this. 

The only thing you can do is lubricate the cables. The lubrication reduces the friction between individual strands. Lubrication, in turn, lengthens the life of the cable. For more details click HERE.

Rust on the cable indicates that some galvanizing has worn off. Individual wire strands are compromised.

What about rust on a stainless steel cable?

Stainless steel does not rust, but it does pick up loose rust from the winch. Winches are plain steel with a painted surface. When the paint rubs off, the steel will rust and “bleed” onto the cable. 

It’s much like a scratch on a car. The rust will run down the side of the vehicle.

The rust typically appears near the winch when the rack is in a lowered position. Under these circumstances, it’s ok. Try to lubricate the cables every year to slow this down.

Are there any visible signs of problems with the cables?

We recommend you lower the “rack” down, but DO NOT allow “slack” to form in the cables. Slack in the cables will allow the windings at the winch to unwind and cross over each other. 

It’s much like a fishing reel getting snagged when there is no tension on the line. 

Are the cables on the used boat lift adjusted equally?  

If three of the four corner cables appear “tight,” the cables will need re-adjustment to re-distribute the weight equally. 

Even proper positioning of the boat is essential. 

If it takes excessive weight to lower the rack, look at the pulleys in each corner. Are they free to move? Is there sand, seaweed, or reeds packed around the pulleys? Remove any debris to free up the rack. 

If any pulleys resist rotation, the rack will not lower smoothly. You must find out why the rack is not moving.

Note: In the case of jet ski lifts, the weight of the rack may not be enough to cause the rack to lower by itself. Have someone lean of the back of the lift to assist the rack in lowering. Still, hanging up? Check all the pulleys as above.

Check the fittings on the ends of the cable. Has rust formed on the fittings, or are there broken strands? 

Caution– watch out for the ends of the cables. It’s a painful reminder of exposed strands. 

Examine the entire length of the cable for frays (broken strands). 

Caution – DO NOT run your hand up and down the cable without leather gloves. Broken strands on the cable will cause painful cuts on an unprotected hand. Ordinary cloth gloves will not protect your hand.

Are there any “kinks” or other visible problems? 

Here are the warning signs of defects in your cables.

image of frayed lift cable

Frayed Boat Lift Cable

broken cable strands

Broken cable strands

broken cable strands 2

Cable damage

multiple wire rope damages

wire rope damage


If your cable looks like any of these, it’s time to replace them. 

Warning – it is possible to have broken strands inside a cable without any exterior signs of damage. This situation is especially true on stainless steel cables which do not rust.

Read this article to learn how to lubricate cables. Lubrication slows down premature corrosion. It’s simple and easy to do. 

What is the proper lift cable maintenance? 

Cable replacement requires a visual inspection of the lift cables. It’s best to inspect it while it is on dry land to check the critical points. Ideally, the lifting platform (or rack) should be in the lowered position. Of course, make sure the lift cable is not allowed to go slack.

Examine the vertical length of the cable for frayed wires, especially near the winch. Excessive fraying or corrosion near the winch is a top signal of damage.

CAUTION – Always wear leather gloves when sliding your hands along the cable. A frayed wire can cause painful damage to unprotected hands.

There are two types of cable wear:

  1. Internal cable abrasion- Occurs whenever strands work against each other under load. 
  2. External abrasion – Occurs when the cable bends around the winch drum or against the side of the drum. 

Every time the boat is raised or lowered, there is internal wear on the cable. Each strand of wire in the winding is moving at a slightly different speed. Abrasion of the cable strands is the result. When the strands break, they lose strength.

Assuming the cable is well cared for, how long should it last?

Experts say that to be safe- replace a galvanized cable every two years. All things being equal, the stainless cable will last longer. Up to 2X as long.  

A point often overlooked – internal abrasion and rust are hidden, and there may be no visible damage. A boat lift cable like this will fail without prior warning. 

When in doubt, plan on replacing the cables. Trying to squeeze another year out of a $75 cable isn’t worth the risk of dropping your boat or personal injury.  

PWS handles Shoremaster cables and can provide new cables for all brands.

Nothing lasts forever – even boat lift cables.

Don’t Forget – Considering rip-rap for your shoreline?  PWS is the place to contact!

  Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?

Located at
7325 St. Hwy 57, it’s 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay, and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look on the right side, one mile north, at the next intersection (Idlewild Road and Hwy 57).


During this time of uncertainty, Pier & Waterfront Solutions is staying “open.”  We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. At the same time, we are working to maintain the trusted service that you have come to expect.

We are implementing these precautionary measures:

1. Conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone. 
2. Site visits will continue but with limited in-person meetings. When in-person contacts are necessary, we will follow “social distancing” guidelines.
3. Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number.

Is there More?

4. Some employees will be working remotely, but they are always available by phone. 
5. Any employee with symptoms or illness is sent home. 
6. We continue to provide estimates and invoices by email to make the process paperless.
7. Crew starting times are being staggered to limit social interactions.
8. We keep the same crews together to limit cross interactions.

With these measures, we hope everyone will stay safe, and we will be back to normal operations

What can you do to help us? 

1.  Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. This step protects everyone involved.
2. When you see our crews installing equipment, please practice “social distancing.”

Thank you for allowing us to work with you.


Please call, message, or email us with any questions.

Let’s all stay safe!


Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or Jerry@wisconsinpws.com – Commercial work & new/used Sales.
Dave @ (920) 905-2588 or Dave@wisconsinpws.com – Erosion control & shoreline work.
John @ (920) 493-4405 or John@wisconsinpws.com – Scheduling & Service work



Summer is almost here. Are you Ready?

Summer activities officially start with Memorial Day. In 2020 this may be delayed for many people. Even so, it’s approaching fast. 

Memorial Day means a lot of outdoor activities will be starting. Many people will head to the lake for fun and relaxation. To truly enjoy the rest of the season, you have to ask yourself, “Is my place ready for summer”?

Many people have time on their hands this year, so why not use it to get ready for summer? That way, you can enjoy getting outside and have some real fun on the water.


Be Ready for Summer Activities

Here’s a quick checklist to help make sure you are ready for the season. Many people have time on your hands this year, so why not use it to get ready for summer?


Summer Startup Checklist:

  1. Have your air conditioner checked and serviced if needed.
  2. Inspect, sweep, and power wash your decking & porch. For more information – see link
  3. Touch up stains and paints as needed.
  4. Prep your lawn. You may need to give the yard a thorough mowing.
  5. Rake up any leftover leaves and debris so that a lush green grass can thrive.
  6. Get out the rake and clean up any debris on your shore. Watch for glass and sharp objects that washed up over the winter. They can completely take the fun out of your summer.
  7. Clean the grill, fill the propane tanks, or stock up on charcoal and lighter fluid. You want to make sure you have everything ready for that first barbeque.
  8. Test all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Test these every six months. If you don’t have detectors or fire extinguishers, be sure to get some. Unlike living in the city, many lakefront communities have only volunteer fire departments. Response times may not be as quick as in the city, and fire only needs time to get totally out of control.


  9. If the furnace has not been operating over the winter, now is an excellent time to make sure it is working correctly. You’ll need it for those early morning chills.
  10. Look over the screens on the windows and doors. Repair any holes or replace them as needed. No one wants to leave an invitation for the bugs to enter the house. 
  11. Clean your boat and PWC and any other “toys.” Check all fluid levels, inspect the hull, test electronics, give it a thorough cleaning. 
  12. Check all anchor ropes. Are they cut or rotting? 
  13. Be sure to check the trailer and lights. Nothing is more aggravating than following a vehicle with faulty lights. 
  14. Have you checked the batteries? Is it time for a new one? 
  15. Be sure to stock the cabinets. Are there snacks, hamburgers, chips, hot dogs, buns, along with beverages and lots of s’mores. They’re great for outdoor grills and campfires.
  16. Plant new flowers to add more beauty and color to your yard. 
  17. Check your dock and the cables on your jet ski and boat lifts. Have them changed before they go into the water. For more information, follow this link; and   

Most important of all …ENJOY A SAFE SUMMER!


Tell Your Friends & Family

Have friends or neighbors you believe should see this article? Email them this link – and Thank you!
Visit Pier & Waterfront Solutions on Facebook also.

Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?

Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, it’s 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay, and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look on the right side, one mile north, at the next intersection (Idlewild Road and Hwy 57).



During this time of uncertainty, Pier & Waterfront Solutions is staying “open.”  We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. At the same time, we are working to maintain the trusted service that you have come to expect.

We are implementing these precautionary measures:

1. Conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone. 
2. Site visits will continue but with limited in-person meetings. When in-person contacts are necessary, we will follow “social distancing” guidelines.
3. Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number.

Is there More?

4. Some employees will be working remotely, but they are always available by phone. 
5. Any employee with symptoms or illness is sent home. 
6. We continue to provide estimates and invoices by email to make the process paperless.
7. Crew starting times are being staggered to limit social interactions.
8. We keep the same crews together to limit cross interactions.

With these measures, we hope everyone will stay safe, and we will be back to normal operations

What can you do to help us? 

1.  Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. This step protects everyone involved.
2. When you see our crews installing equipment, please practice “social distancing.”

Thank you for allowing us to work with you.


Please call, message, or email us with any questions.

Let’s all stay safe!


Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or Jerry@wisconsinpws.com – Commercial work & new/used Sales.
Dave @ (920) 905-2588 or Dave@wisconsinpws.com – Erosion control & shoreline work.
John @ (920) 493-4405 or John@wisconsinpws.com – Scheduling & Service work

Sturgeon Bay Business Expands

Sturgeon Bay Business Expands

Sturgeon Bay business installs Rip-Rap

Pier & Waterfront Solutions has expanded its Sturgeon Bay rip-rap business to handle the increased installation demand on Lake Michigan and the Bay of Green Bay.  Installing rip-rap has prevented further destruction due to the high water levels. Pier & Waterfront Solutions has kept its excavators working through the winter to meet the demand.

PWS Co-owner, Dave Kalista, has been coordinating the work for the last two years. Dave recently reported that “As the waters continue to rise, the demand has risen with it. We recently added another excavator to handle the demand.” Dave went on to say, “With the additional excavator, we can better serve our customers in a timely fashion.” 

As of Jan. 2020, local waters in Sturgeon Bay and the whole of the Door County Peninsula have risen 39,” year-to-year. 39″ exceeds records set back in 1986. Some experts predict water levels will increase by an additional 20″ by the end of summer.

                 Rip-rap could prevent this.


As a result, beaches are eroding at an alarming rate. The erosion is due to record-setting water levels and intense storms. Typical damage includes eroded beaches, lawns, and uprooted trees and vegetation.




How can you protect your Property?  

Experts agree – rip-rap and seawalls are the best methods to protect against erosion. Of the choices, rip-rap is the least costly by far.  

Contact Dave at (920) 905-2588 for more information.



Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?

Located at 7325 St. Hwy 57, it’s 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay, and 1 mile past the intersection of Cty MM (heading north). Look on the right side, one mile north, at the next intersection (Idlewild Road and Hwy 57).



During this time of uncertainty, Pier & Waterfront Solutions is staying “open.”  We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. At the same time, we are working to maintain the trusted service that you have come to expect.

We are implementing these precautionary measures:

1. Conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone. 
2. Site visits will continue but with limited in-person meetings. When in-person contacts are necessary, we will follow “social distancing” guidelines.
3. Our display yard is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays have a numbered, red tag on them. If you want more information or pricing, please reference that number.

Is there More?

4. Some employees will be working remotely, but they are always available by phone. 
5. Any employee with symptoms or illness is sent home. 
6. We continue to provide estimates and invoices by email to make the process paperless.
7. Crew starting times are being staggered to limit social interactions.
8. We keep the same crews together to limit cross interactions.

With these measures, we hope everyone will stay safe, and we will be back to normal operations

What can you do to help us? 

1.  Please conduct as much business as possible via emails, messaging, and emails. This step protects everyone involved.
2. When you see our crews installing equipment, please practice “social distancing.”

Thank you for allowing us to work with you.


Please call, message, or email us with any questions.

Let’s all stay safe!


Jerry @ (920) 493-4404 or Jerry@wisconsinpws.com – Commercial work & new/used Sales.
Dave @ (920) 905-2588 or Dave@wisconsinpws.com – Erosion control & shoreline work.
John @ (920) 493-4405 or John@wisconsinpws.com – Scheduling & Service work