Sep 4, 2018
Electrical Shock Drowning ESD – Part 2
Electrical Shock Drowning or ESD was discussed in Part one of this series. Part 2 will get into more detail about this infrequent but deadly situation.
There are two potential failures in a boat’s electrical system that put people on or around the boat at risk. In a properly functioning system, the same amount of AC flows in the hot and neutral wires.

Properly Functioning Circuit
Images courtesy of Boat U.S.
Happens when a wire or appliance leaks power?
Electricity may “leak” from it’s intended path in these two wires to ground. This condition is called a ground fault. A good example of this is an insulation failure in the wiring of an appliance. Notice the microwave (or any appliance using A.C. power) with the ground fault. This condition will result in a mild electric current in the water which will potentially paralyze a person in the water.

Electrical Fault with Functioning Ground
What happens when there is a leak in the ground wire?
A faulty ground occurs when the grounding path breaks through a loose or broken wire. For instance, a shore power cord ground wire may fail due to constant motion and stress.

Electrical Fault + safety ground fault = Danger
When these two conditions occur at the same time, the results may be tragic. The combination of a ground fault and a faulty ground results in metal parts in the boat and under water becoming energized. People on board the boat are likely to receive a shock from touching energized metal parts.
When this happens, a person swimming near the boat will be electrocuted immediately.
A Coast Guard sponsored study showed numerous instances of electrical leakage causing drowning or potential drowning even though the shock did not result in death.
What can prevent this from happening?
ELCIs (Equipment Leakage Circuit Interrupters) and the more familiar GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters) are part of a larger family of devices. These devices measure current flow in the hot and neutral wires. They immediately switch the electricity off when an imbalance of current flow is detected. ELCIs and GFCIs that are also Residual Current Circuit Breakers (RCBO) provide overcurrent tripping protection also.
GFCIs are used as branch circuit ground fault protection at the 5mA threshold in wet environments. GFCIs protect against flaws in devices plugged into them but offer no protection from the danger of a failing hard-wired appliance, such as a water heater or cooktop.
An ELCI provides additional whole-boat protection. Installed as required within 10′ of the shore power inlet, an ELCI provides 30mA ground fault protection for the entire AC shore power system beyond the ELCI. ABYC regulations still require the use of GFCIs in environments described above.
Thanks to Blue Sea Systems for the information in this article. For more on how to protect yourself and your loved ones from electrical shock drowning, go to the BoatU.S Electric Shock Drowning Resource Center.
Where is PWS?
PWS is located in the center of Door County at 7325 St Hwy 57. It is located 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and South of Sturgeon Bay. Look for the intersection of Idlewild Road.
Want us to address a dock or boat lift topic for you? Feel free to give us a call.
Call Jerry at 920-493-4404 or Email for more information.
Jul 31, 2018
Boat safety
Boat safety should be part of Wisconsin’s three great seasons for boating. Yes, 3 seasons and then comes winter!
Boat SafetyTips

Boat Safety Rule #1- Everyone needs one
- Life Jackets are Mandatory: We all understand that life jackets can save lives. But so many of us don’t bother wearing them when we hit the water. Whether you don’t like the way they feel, or they don’t look cool, life jackets are there for a purpose. Make sure all kids wear their life jackets. A life jacket could easily save your child’s life. Besides – It’s the Law.
- Just like driving a car – Drinking and driving do NOT mix: Have a designated driver if you plan to drink. In Wisconsin boating violations, like drunk driving, count against your driver’s license and your insurance premiums.
- Check Your Lights: Are all of your boat’s lights working correctly? Don’t forget how quickly the sun sets. You don’t want to go back in the dark.
- Watch the Weather: Summer weather in Wisconsin can be unpredictable. Make sure you check the forecast and continue to keep tabs on the weather throughout the day. Don’t get caught in a sudden storm. It only takes about 15 minutes to go from clouds to a violent storm on the Bay.
Avoiding Boating Accidents
Here’s a hard fact: Boating accidents, like failure to yield right of way, to approaching a dock too fast, are all too common. Most of these accidents were avoidable.

Maybe I should have turned wider
Additionally, 15% of all boating deaths had alcohol involved. Another 83% of drowning victims did not have a PFD.
It’s not a question IF boating accidents are a problem but instead, what can be done to reduce the rate of these accidents?
How You Can Prevent a Boating Accident
- Boating and Booze Do Not Mix: Do not drink and operate your vessel. If you take drinking and driving your car seriously, then the same caution should be exercised on the water.

Boat Safety Rule #3- Don’t get a visit from him
Operating a boat while over the alcohol limit is illegal and puts everyone on the water at risk. You have slowed reaction times and a lack of judgment.
- Make PFDs mandatory: So often, an otherwise minimal accident can turn tragic if a passenger falls into the water without it. Remember, they do not have a seatbelt.
Though you may be a good swimmer, there are many ways that you could end up injured and unable to swim. That’s not to mention the possibility of rough waves, which could make swimming back to your boat impossible.
- Follow posted speed and wake limits and stay vigilant for risks.
Like car accidents, some things are out of your control. However, boating accidents are minimized if boaters simply:
- Stay sober behind the wheel,
- Wear PFDs,
- Follow speed and wake limits, and
- Brush up on the essential safety standards of operation.
Is a Boat Safety Course for you?
If you’re a new boater, boating safety courses are a no-brainer. Here are some take-homes you will learn:
- Boat Operation: There are some easily overlooked best practices that can help you avoid collisions, run aground or otherwise damage your boat.
- Emergency Procedures: From fires to dangerous weather, when you’re facing an emergency on the water, every second counts.
- Navigation: Even if you know your favorite boating spot like the back of your hand, there are too many variables to go without trip planning and preparation. These classes can teach you the safest ways to plan your next boating trip.
- Equipment: Even the safest boaters should know what equipment could save their lives in emergency situations. Ensure that all of your safety equipment is up to the task of keeping you and yours out of danger.
- Emergency Cut-Off Switch: If you go overboard, the last thing you want to see is your boat speeding away from you – especially if you aren’t wearing your PFD. Use a kill switch/emergency or cut-off switch fastened to your clothing. This ensures that the engine will shut off if you find yourself thrown into the water. It’s much like the shutoff switch on a treadmill at the gym.
- Keep Contact: Keep others informed about your boating plans. Let them know where you are going, especially if boating alone. Always keep a VHF radio on you, as well as your cell phone, safely stored in a waterproof container.
Boating safety classes will teach you the right procedure for most critical situations you may encounter while boating.
Practice boat safety and enjoy the ride.
PWS is located in the center of Door County at 7325 St Hwy 57. It is located 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and South of Sturgeon Bay. Look for the intersection of Idlewild Road.
Want us to address a dock or boat lift topic for you? Feel free to give us a call.
Call Jerry at 920-493-4404 or Email for more information.
Jun 5, 2018
How to Select BoatLifts – Part 2
Boatlifts come in several configurations. In part 1 of this 2 part series, we discussed vertical and cantilever lifts. What about boatlifts for larger boats?
Next, we’ll discuss Elevator and Hydraulic boatlifts.
Elevator Lift
The elevator boatlift can only be mounted on permanent piers. These piers usually consist of a concrete pier (or concrete capped, boulder pier) or as an alternate a pier mounted on permanent pilings. As shown below, the elevator lift raises the boat parallel to the pier for easy access to the boat. They are commonly used in channels and lakes with significant fluctuations in water depth.

Elevator BoatLifts
The elevator lift is powered by one or two synchronized A.C. electric motors depending on the unit size. There is no need to hand-crank this lift. A wireless remote control is used to raise or lower the boat.
Elevator boatlifts are capable of stopping anywhere along its vertical travel so it makes it simple to load and unload a boat. This boatlift makes the boat readily accessible for covering with a boat cover and loading.
Hydraulic BoatLift
In general, Hydraulic boatlifts will travel 4’, 5′ or 6’ vertically depending on the model ordered. They will handle loads up to 32,000 lbs.
Because the base is wider than a typical cantilever or vertical boat lift, you have more stability in storms.
The Hydraulic lift is one of the best for high waves and water surges. The D.C. operated units are quiet and use solar-powered batteries and wireless remote controls. No A.C. power required.

Hydraulic BoatLifts by ShoreMaster
Where can you find the solution to any boatlift situation?
At Pier & Waterfront Solutions, of course!
PWS is located 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) at 7325 St. Hwy 42/57. That’s just 3 miles South of Sturgeon Bay. Look for the Idlewild Road intersection.
Our staff is ready to assist year round.
Call if you want to see an issue discussed on our site.
Contact Jerry at 920-493-4404 or Email with your questions.
Apr 10, 2018
Canopy covers just got a REAL boost in quality. Our supplier, ShoreMaster, finalized the details of a new boat lift canopy cover vendor agreement. PWS has improved canopy cover lead times, and better fabric options for our customers. The new agreement is with the largest canopy cover vendor in the country. It allows us to satisfy your requests for improvements and color selections. At the same time, we strengthen our position as a leader in the boat lift canopy cover market.

ShoreMaster Boat Lift Canopy Cover
Don’t have a ShoreMaster lift?
Don’t worry – we have the same quality canopies for almost every boat lift on the market. Have a ShoreStation, RGC, Porta-Dock boat lift? PWS has you covered!.
The current dynamics of the boat lift canopy cover market requires PWS:
- To be able to provide a high-quality product;
- In an ever-widening array of colors, sizes, and fabric choices; and to
- Do it with incredible speed-to-market.
PWS is excited by the new agreement. It allows us to satisfy our customer’s requests for options and lead time improvements.
The vendor has state of the art technology allows them to meet the market demands faster and with a wider selection. ShoreMaster has begun to offer its new line of canopy cover fabrics immediately to PWS.

Boat Lift Canopy covers by ShoreMaster
What’s different about them?
The new canopy covers will include a new and improved 13 oz. vinyl with a top coat. They are offered in a wide range of popular colors. The cover weighs 30% less than covers supplied by other dealers. Plus, it will improve the quality and strength of the covers.
These canopy covers are much easier to install, remove, clean and maintain. The new cover sacrifices nothing when compared to 18 oz coated fabrics in:
- tongue tear testing,
- UV resistance,
- strip tensile testing,
- grab tensile testing, and
- hydrostatic resistance tests.
In addition, ShoreMaster continues to offer its premium, light-weight WeatherMax canopy fabrics in a wide range of colors. Nothing beats this quality. PWS expects to see improved lead times, better fit and finish, and more options.
More colors, Higher strength, faster delivery – What more could you ask for?
Where can you find Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
We are located in the center of the Door County Peninsula at 7325 St. Hwy 42/57. That’s 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and 3 miles South of Sturgeon Bay. Look for the Idlewild Road intersection.
Our staff is always ready to serve your needs year round.
Don’t forget – Give us a call If you want to see an issue discussed on our site.
Call Jerry at 920-493-4404 or Email for more information.
Feb 27, 2018
Pier Mounted Lifts (Part 3)
Vertical Jet Ski Lifts and Dock Platforms were discussed in Part 1 and 2 of this series. In this final segment, we examine permanent pier mounted lifts and track systems.
You will see both types of PWC Lifts used in select locations and situations In Door County,
Three of these pier mounted lifts operate in a similar manner with slight variations. These units go by names like Swinger, Tide Tamer, and Davitmaster.
Each pier mounted lift model requires a rigid, mounting on a solid, permanent pier. Steel pipes may be embedded in rock, or to concrete-capped bases, to secure the piers.
The cantilevered PWC weight generates leverage and thus requires a large mass to mount the lift. Without this type of massive base, the dock will suffer structural damage.

DavitMaster Pier Mounted Lift

Tide Tamer Pier Mounted Lift
These pier mounted lifts have two advantages. First, the PWC usually rotates over the dock itself for storage, repairs or covering. Secondly, the lifting height will be limited by the workable drum diameter of the winch.
What are track systems?
The final type of Jet Ski system is the track system similar to the Roll-n-Go shown here.

Roll n go track system
A series of covered rollers and a winch are used to pull the PWC to the shoreline. A cart may be used on the track when the weight of the unit exceeds 2000#.
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions Located?
We are located in the center of the Door County Peninsula at 7325 St. Hwy 57. That’s just 1 mile North of County MM (Hwy 42) and 3 miles South of Sturgeon Bay. Look for the Idlewild Road intersection.
Our staff is always ready year-round to address your needs.
Give us a call If you have a dock or boat lift topic you would like to see addressed.
Call Jerry at 920-493-4404 or Email for more information.