Jun 8, 2021
BoatLift Accessories Make Life Simple
Summer fun starts and ends at your dock and boat lift. Here, all your summer waterfront activities begin. Make your dock and boat lift look great and perform effortlessly.
There is no need to struggle to bring your boat back into your lift. PWS has the equipment to make life easier for you.
PWS features a full line of ShoreMaster boat lift accessories. We have a wide range of accessories to customize your dock and boat lift and fit your needs. Here are a few of the most popular solutions for your boat lift.

Vinyl Bunks
Aluminum and Vinyl Bunks
PWS offers top-of-the-line, vinyl-covered aluminum bunks that protect your boats hull. With vinyl-covered bunks, you’ll never have torn, unsightly carpeting to replace.
Vinyl does not hold the sand and debris like carpeting does and never needs replacement. Vinyl bunks protect your hulls’ finish and make a great boat lift accessory.
Is it time for you to step up? Contact Jerry now @ 920-493-04404

Bunks & Guide accessories
Guides and Rails
PWS also offers bow or full-length guides to hold your boat in the proper lifting position. The guides and rails make it much easier to control your boat in the waves.
The bow guide keeps your boat from overrunning the lift to ensure that it’s properly aligned. Waves will no longer push you too far forward on the boatlift.
You’re always appropriately balanced on the lift rack. See also.
Full-length guides mount on the lift rack to help you center the boat. Never get washed into the frames again. More importantly, the boat remains correctly centered at all times.
The boat guide and full-length guide use high-quality marine aluminum alloys and offer durability and protection for your watercraft.
For pontoon boat owners, we offer a welded aluminum rail kit option. They fit your craft’s unique shape.

Adjustable Motor Stop
Motor Stops
Keep your boat from advancing too far into the lift by installing a motor stop. Motor stops let you position your boat on the lift with ease. This stop keeps your boat correctly balanced on the lift frames.
Isn’t time to call 920-493-4404?
Adjustable Bow Stop

Bow Guide Accessory
Here’s another alternative to keep your boat in the correct position. The adjustable Bow Stop accessory prevents you from overrunning your boat lift. The cushioned bumper on the frame prevents damage to your boat. You’ll always be in the exact position for storing your boat.
The bow stop or the motor stop will make your life easier. Call Jerry today!

PVC Guide on-Single set
PVC Vertical Guide-On
A PVC vertical guide-on makes it easier to align and position your watercraft on the boat lift. The PVC guide-on means there is no maintenance. These guides allow your boat to slide along drive the boat rub rail to prevent touching the hull or marring the gel coat or decals. They gently push you back into position as the PVC turns. They are available in single or Double units.
Battery Box Holders & Trays

Battery box tray accessory
Keeping your batteries out of the way is vital for safe and convenient operation. Never let a battery sit unprotected on your dock where children can touch them.
The battery tray mounts to the frame on the lift leg or a canopy frame. You’ll have a clean, clutter-free look with the batteries stored in the proper cases

Canopy Lift Loft
Canopy Lift Lofts
The universal size loft fits any canopy system. A loft can help keep your boating accessories dry and out of the way. The mesh is breathable and coated to inhibit mold growth. They are a great place to store your life preservers, canoe or kayak paddles, and more. Keep them handy, safe, and dry.
You’ll never have to find someone to carry your equipment to the boat again.
Contact Jerry at 920-493-4404 for more information or use this link for more information.
Where can you find Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Pier & Waterfront Solutions, 7325 St. Hwy 57, is located 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay. Go 1 mile PAST the intersection with County MM (heading north). Look on the right at the intersection of Idlewild Road and Hwy 57.
PWS is

Pier & Waterfront Solutions remains “open” year-round.
The Covid-19 virus is waning. We hope people will continue to get the vaccine to help stop the spread of this deadly virus. We will continue to conduct as much business as possible by email, text, or phone to do our part to keep people safe.
Site visits continue as usual. When making in-person contacts, we follow “social distancing” guidelines when possible by doing any face-to-face contact outdoors.
PWS display yard – OPEN 24-7

Red Tag
PWS‘s display area is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays available for sale have a numbered, red tag on them. Want more information on something you saw in our yard? Please reference that number when you inquire.
PWS provides estimates by email to make the process faster, safer, and paperless.
Call, message, or email Jerry with any questions.

Jerry Englebert
Contact Jerry at 920-493-4404 for more information or use this link.
Apr 27, 2021
In a March 30, 2021 article, PWS announced the latest addition to our dock & boat lift install equipment. Namely – our “small barge.” We now have a much clearer picture to show you.
The “Small Barge” measures 12′ x 40′, so it’s not so small after all. Powered by (2) – 225 HP motors it requires a semi to transport it.
Where has it been since that article?

“Small Barge”
It’s been undergoing retrofitting and adjustments until we were ready to launch it.
In this picture, you see the barge supported on the four downriggers. The downriggers suspend the barge above the water to weather storms and stabilize the barge during installations. With the entire barge suspended in the air we are able to handle everything nature can throw at us.
What does the addition of the “Small Barge” mean for you?
It may be showing up on your waterfront. No, this is not meant to just haul rock or boulders like our other barge.
The “small barge” installs and removes docks and lifts only. Remember, many times its difficult to get our ATF’s down on the beach to do installations. Even if we do get to some of these locations, we could sustain damage to the undercarriage. That’s a costly situation.
The “small barge” has a 60-foot knuckle boom (shown here with only 3 of the lengths opened). There are four more lengths yet to be extended. This allows us to reach your equipment on the shores without the use of our ATF’s.
We can raise your boat lift or dock and swing around to install it where its needed.
In Fall, we return your equipment to the shore without damaging the lawn. Water soaked lawns are no longer a problem.
Another unique feature
Notice that the knuckle boom will move forward and backwards on a “track” in the middle of the barge. The entire boom can move about 30′ forward for extra reach. Combined with a very shallow draft its an innovative and faster way to install on Green Bay.
PWS always is looking for ways to complete the installs faster each year. By becoming more efficient we can service more people.
The recent closure of Port-A-Pier makes it even more important than ever to find ways to handle the extra workload.
You can depend on Pier & Waterfront Solutions to continue to innovate to handle your needs.
One Final Update
Not to be left behind, PWS has also completed the expansion of our large Barge. The addition of the middle section means we now have a 36′ wide x 45′ Barge. That’s a 33% increase in the overall size and capacity.

Enlarged 36′ x 45″ Barge
Where can I find Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Pier & Waterfront Solutions, 7325 St. Hwy 57, is located 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay. Go 1 mile PAST the intersection with County MM (heading north). Look on the right at the next corner – Idlewild Road and Hwy 57.

Pier & Waterfront Solutions remains “open” year-round.
The Covid-19 virus continues to spread and affects many people. We are conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
Site visits continue as usual. When making in-person contacts, we follow “social distancing” guidelines when possible.
PWS display yard – OPEN 24-7

Red Tag
PWS‘s display area is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays available for sale have a numbered, red tag on them. Want more information on something you saw in our yard? Please reference that number when you inquire.
PWS provides estimates by email to make the process faster, safer, and paperless.
Call, message, or email Jerry with any questions.

Jerry Englebert
Contact Jerry at 920-493-4404 for more information or use this link.
Apr 20, 2021
Seagulls leaving a mess on your pier?

Seagull mess
Seagulls are looking for a place to rest at the same time as your dock is being installed. Once they get into the habit of eating or sleeping on your dock, getting rid of them is very difficult.
Are seagulls leaving the “leftovers” from their meals on your dock? What about the other harmful “deposits” they leave behind?
PWS has some suggestions to get rid of them.
When should you start to rid yourself of the seagulls?
Start in Early Spring!
Don’t allow seagulls to roust on your dock. Once established, they will habitually return to the same place each night.
Adding deterrents later will have minimal to no effect on them.
What Problems do Seagulls Cause?
Seagulls are noisy, aggressive, and a health hazard to humans. Despite this, the US government has enacted legislation to protect seagulls.
You are not allowed to harass, kill or destroy their nesting areas.
Are Seagulls always coming back to your pier?
If the answer is yes – they found a source of food nearby.

Seagulls Returning for food
Seagulls are territorial and aggressive when it comes to food. Under no circumstances should you feed them. They will return time and time again. They are like a friend who wanted to stay for just a day or two and never left. The difference is they are not your friend.
Remind your visitors not to feed them. Once a seagull finds a source of food, other seagulls will appear.
Don’t leave food containers outside after your parties. Seagulls will return if you do.
What do Seagulls eat?
A seagull’s diet consists of fish, rodents, insects, eggs, earthworms, reptiles, plant items, and even other birds. The seagull is an intelligent bird and very versatile in how they get prey.
The food you leave behind is an easy source for them. The gulls don’t have to scrounge around looking for food if you provide it for them.
When is their nesting season?
Seagulls enter nesting season once per year, and the season lasts for 3 to 5 months. They are highly aggressive during this time. Stay clear of their nests.
These large and noisy birds defend their territories from rivals through aerial attacks and calls. Nesting season is when they are the most boisterous and the most aggressive.
Seagulls are ground-nesting birds taking live food – crabs, small fish – or scavenge as it becomes available. They historically pose control problems near sources of water or food.
Seagulls are intelligent and resourceful birds too. They have a highly developed social structure and a complicated communication method.
They even display mobbing behavior. Seagulls attack would-be intruders (like you) and predators when anything threatens their nest.
How do you get rid of Seagulls humanely?
There are many products on the market that you can use to deter seagulls. See this article for a list of products and where to get them.
Unfortunately, many of these products are ineffective.
Remember this when considering a seagull deterrent. Seagulls do not like anything that disrupts their flight patterns. Simply put, they do not want to get tangled in anything.
Bird wire or something as simple as a fishing line is a humane, discreet, and highly effective control solution for docks.
How does it work? A stainless steel wire or a simple fishing line is reported to be a deterrent to gulls. The wire prevents gulls from landing on docks, boats, and other long surfaces that attract pesky birds.
Check this link for a source for bird wire.
Why are seagulls afraid of wires?
There is another way. Seagulls use a higher UV range than humans to see what’s around them. As a result, they can see underwater without the use of sunglasses like humans require.
They also “see” a metal or nylon fishing line as a bright line, day or night. That line potentially interferes with their flight, plus it alarms them as it moves in the wind.
Seagulls are heavy birds compared to most birds. As a result, they require a clear path to take off. Stringing a fishing line horizontally along your dock can be very effective and inexpensive. Commercial products recommend stringing the line about 7-8 feet above the pier.
It works the same as bird wire and costs much less. The downside to the fishing line is that it needs to be replaced each year and possibly more than once. Hint: string the fishing line from leg to leg and tie it off rather than stringing it the full length in one piece. This way, if one section breaks, it does not take the entire line down. Allow it to move in the wind.
Another deterrent

Seagull deterrent Daddi Long Legs
Daddi Long Legs is another deterrent. It prevents gulls and other large birds from landing in open spaces. Where can you buy this product? Try www.Bird Barrier.com.
How it works: Thin, stainless steel rods wave menacingly in the breeze. Any breeze causes the rods to move and interferes with the seagull’s flight as they attempt to land. Benefits: It is a humane product with plastic tips to prevent injury to humans.
In conclusion
It’s best to use more than one means to get rid of seagulls. Seagulls don’t like to be disturbed while they eat or sleep, but they can see a single device as non-threatening over time. We recommend that you change or move your devices from time to time. They will adapt over time.
Where can I find Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Pier & Waterfront Solutions, 7325 St. Hwy 57, is located 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay. Go 1 mile PAST the intersection with County MM (heading north). Look on the right at the next corner – Idlewild Road and Hwy 57.
Pier & Waterfront Solutions remains “open” year-round.
The Covid-19 virus continues to spread and affects many people. We are conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
Site visits continue as usual. When making in-person contacts, we follow “social distancing” guidelines when possible.
PWS display yard – OPEN 24-7

Red Tag
PWS‘s display area is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays available for sale have a numbered, red tag on them. Want more information on something you saw in our yard? Please reference that number when you inquire.
PWS provides estimates by email to make the process faster, safer, and paperless.
Call, message, or email Jerry with any questions.

Jerry Englebert
Contact Jerry at 920-493-4404 for more information or use this link.
Apr 6, 2021
The best dock selection in Door County
Pier & Waterfront Solutions customers have access to the best dock selection, more dock styles and more materials than any other Door County dealer.
Most dealers offer only aluminum docks or a few lightweight steel dock. Some even offer one or two brands.
Aluminum is popular because it is lightweight and easier to handle.
Who has the best aluminum dock in Door County?
Pier & waterfront Solutions offers (6) ShoreMaster aluminum constructions – in roll-in, stationary, and floating docks.
Now that’s a some dock selection!
Here is a comparison of the aluminum constructions offered:
RS 4 –
4″ side rails. 10′ sections, seven types of decking, aluminum or steel legs. Ideal for calm waters on an inland lake or sheltered area.
RS 4 Curved –
The RS4 Curved dock sections are built the same as the same rigorous specs as the RS 4 shown above. Why is this different? The availability of 45- degree and 90-degree curved sections. These curved sections allow for many configurations that no one else offers. (Hint – You can use curved sections with the ANY ShoreMaster dock frame to genuinely make your dock unique.
7″ side rails. 8′ and 16′ sections, with seven types of decking, aluminum or steel legs. Ideal for the rough waters in an open area.
9″ Truss side frames. 8′ and 16′ sections, seven types of decking, aluminum or steel legs. Ideal for the rough waters in most open areas.
FTS9 –
The FTS9 has the identical construction of the TS9 in all respects. The frames have floats attached and are ideal for soft muddy bottoms.
Poly Dock –
Poly Dock is a modular dock design made of rotationally molded polyethylene. There are NO unsightly black floats used.
It’s a floating dock system that can withstand up to 2′ waves, making it ideal for inland lakes or rivers with muddy bottoms and large water fluctuations.
Over the years, PWS provided hundreds of ShoreMaster aluminum docks, but it is not always the best solution for all shorelines.
What other dock selection is available?
With the high water and intense storms we have experienced in recent years, PWS now offers the exclusive
3-Season Pier

3-Season Pier
The 3-Season steel pier is built to demanding specifications for strength and durability.
3-Season piers have withstood just about everything Mother Nature can throw at it. No Wisconsin manufacturer builds a heavier frame section. It weighs over a quarter ton without the oversized steel legs.
PWS recommends flow-through decking for the 3-Season pier. Flow-through decking relieves any upward pressure caused by a storm’s high waves.
PWS installs everything we sell.
Now you know why Pier & Waterfront Solutions is so popular.
We offer everything you need for your dock or lift. Contact us TODAY!
Where can I find Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Pier & Waterfront Solutions, 7325 St. Hwy 57, is located 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay. Go 1 mile PAST the intersection with County MM (heading north). Look on the right at the next corner – Idlewild Road and Hwy 57.
Pier & Waterfront Solutions remains “open” year-round.
The Covid-19 virus continues to spread and affects many people. We are conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
Site visits continue as usual. When making in-person contacts, we follow “social distancing” guidelines when possible.
PWS display yard – OPEN 24-7

Red Tag
PWS‘s display area is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays available for sale have a numbered, red tag on them. Want more information on something you saw in our yard? Please reference that number when you inquire.
PWS provides estimates by email to make the process faster, safer, and paperless.
Call, message, or email Jerry with any questions.

Jerry Englebert
Contact Jerry at 920-493-4404 for more information or use this link.
* Combine the RS4 Curved sections with this frame for a unique design.
Mar 23, 2021
A NEW Barge Announcement at PWS
Before we get into the new barge discussion, it seems like a long winter despite it being a mild winter. The virus only added to the winter confinement & misery.
The early disappearance of the ice on Green Bay has lifted our spirits. Everyone has hopes for the approaching Spring.
Yet, nature has a way of thwarting or at least delaying those plans. There is snow again in the forecast for this week. Snow is nature’s way of saying she is still in control and not yet willing to give it up.
Phone Install Requests
For the last few weeks, we had requests for projected install dates. Please be patient. We know from many years of experience that there are snowstorms in our future. Remember, the ice is still on the shorelines. The lack of snow gives the impression the season could start as soon as this week.
In reality, the expected start date is “around” April 1. About two years ago, the season got underway early. After a week of installs, a huge snowstorm put a complete stop to the work for two more weeks. It was a struggle to get all the work done.
What have we done to keep up with installs?

All-Terrain Forklift
What have we done to keep up with the installs? We have added two more ATF’s (All-Terrain Forklift) to our fleet of equipment. The latest addition brings our total to FIVE ATF’s.
Latest Barge addition at PWS
Today, we are announcing the latest addition to Pier & Waterfront Solutions equipment list.
As many of you know, PWS has a large 24′ x 45′ barge used for rip-rap installations. The barge and excavators are also used for dock and lift installs in areas where our ATF’s cannot go. When the need arises, we use the barge and one of our excavators to install docks and lifts. These are challenging areas to access and operate any equipment.
If you’ve driven past our location in the past month or so, you may have seen this.

The new barge addition will allow us to expand our existing barge size by another 12′ x 45′. When joined with the existing barge, the new barge will be 36′ x 45′. (1,620 sq. ft. – That’s the size of a small house). That gives us increased load capacity to transport more equipment and materials. It will save time and allow us to be more efficient in the future.
The new barge can separated from the original barge for independent use at a later date if needed.
PWS have two experienced barge operators to move this equipment between locations.
Where is Pier & Waterfront Solutions?
Pier & Waterfront Solutions, 7325 St. Hwy 57, is located 3 miles south of Sturgeon Bay. Go 1 mile PAST the intersection with County road MM (heading north). Look on the right at the next corner – Idlewild Road and Hwy 57.
Pier & Waterfront Solutions remains “open” year-round.
The Covid virus continues to spread and affects many people. Don’t be one of them.
PWS is conducting as much business as possible by email, text, or phone.
Site visits continue as usual. When making in-person contacts, we follow “social distancing” guidelines when possible.
PWS display yard – OPEN 24-7

Red Tag
PWS‘s display area is always open for you to examine at your leisure. All displays available for sale have a numbered, red tag on them. Want more information on something you saw in our yard? Please reference that number when you inquire.
PWS will provide estimates by email to make the process faster, safer, and paperless.
Call, message, or email us today with any questions.
Call Jerry at 920-493-4404 for more information or use this link.